Daco-Romanian hypothesis Rohonc Codex

the cover of v. enăchiuc s book

a translation has been published romanian philologist viorica enăchiuc/viːɔːriːkɑ enəkːiʊk/. claims text written in vulgar latin dialect of dacia, , direction of writing right-to-left, bottom-to-top. alleged translation indicates text 11-12th century (ce) history of blaki (vlachs) people in fights against hungarians , pechenegs. toponyms , hydronyms appear arad, dridu, olbia, ineu, rarău, dniester , tisa. diplomatic contacts between vlad , alexis comnenus, constantine dukas , robert of flanders mentioned.


solrgco zicjra naprzi olto co sesvil cas – o sun of live let write span time

deteti lis vivit neglivlu iti iti itia niteren titius suonares imi urast ucen – in great numbers, in fierce battle, without fear go, go hero. break ahead great noise, sweep away , defeat hungarian!

on 1 hand, enăchiuc s proposition can criticized method of transliteration. symbols characteristically appear in same context throughout codex regularly transliterated different letters, patterns in original code lost in transliteration. on other hand, enăchiuc criticized linguist , historian. provided linguistic source of hitherto unknown state of romanian language, , text (even glossary) raises serious doubts both in linguistic , historic authenticity render work unscientific.

there no relation between illustrations of manuscript (of clear christian content) , translation.


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