Geography Hünfelden

1 geography

1.1 location
1.2 neighbouring communities
1.3 constituent communities


hünfelden lies in taunus north of wiesbaden, 9 km southeast of limburg der lahn.

neighbouring communities

hünfelden borders in north on town of limburg , community of brechen, in east on community of selters , town of bad camberg (all in limburg-weilburg), in south on communities of hünstetten , aarbergen (both in rheingau-taunus-kreis), , in west on verbandsgemeinden (a kind of collective municipality) of hahnstätten , diez (both in rhein-lahn-kreis in rhineland-palatinate).

constituent communities

the community consists of 7 ortsteile, each formerly autonomous, listed here population figures @ 1 january 2008.

kirberg: 2394
dauborn: 2764
mensfelden: 1339
heringen: 1055
nauheim: 997
ohren: 811
neesbach: 805


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