Interior rooms.2C functions and art collections City Hall, Cardiff

1 interior rooms, functions , art collections

1.1 marble hall
1.2 assembly room
1.3 council chamber

interior rooms, functions , art collections

marble hall

the first floor landing of city hall decorated statues in pentelicon marble of famous figures welsh history. these funded gift david alfred thomas, 1st viscount rhondda; personages commemorated decided competition in western mail. marble hall unveiled david lloyd george, secretary of state war, on 27 october 1916.

boudica j. havard thomas
saint david sir william goscombe john
hywel dda (king howell good) f. w. pomeroy
gerald of wales henry poole
llywelyn ein llyw olaf (llywelyn ap gruffudd, last ruling prince of wales) henry albert pegram
dafydd ap gwilym w. w. wagstaff
owain glyndŵr alfred turner
henry vii ernest gillick
bishop william morgan t. j. clapperton
william williams, pantycelyn l. s. merrifield
sir thomas picton t. mewburn crook

assembly room

this room has hosted royalty, international statesmen , diplomats, , can seat 500 diners simultaneously. used miscellaneous ceremonies, conferences , events during year. decorated mouldings picked out in gold leaf, of mermaids , other sea creatures. 3 large bronze chandeliers contemporary original architects design.

council chamber

council chamber

this located above main entrance portico , directly below main dome of building. chamber designed host cardiff s council meetings (which have subsequently been relocated atlantic wharf). dome of city hall supported 4 massive pillars of italian marble. chamber panelled throughout in oak.


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