Expansion of the desert Geography of Mauritania

the passe de djouk, near guerou; increasingly arid area

the climate has altered drastically since onset of prolonged drought in 1960s, part of recurrent pattern of wet , dry cycles common sahelian africa. experts agree, however, overgrazing, deforestation, denuding of ground cover around wells, poor farming methods, , overpopulation have aggravated drought. in mauritania isohyet indicating annual rainfall of 150 millimetres—considered minimum pastoralism—has shifted southward 100 kilometres point south of nouakchott. during 1980s, desert advancing southward @ estimated rate of 6 kilometres year. each major climatic zone had shifted southward, , in cases near-desert conditions had reached banks of senegal river.

by late 1980s, desertification had fundamentally altered agro-pastoral , human settlement patterns. loss of ground cover in sahelian zone had driven animals , people southward in search of food , water , had given rise new fields of sand dunes. advancing dunes threatened engulf wells, villages, , roads; had invaded nouakchott on march sea. government secured international stabilize dune field around nouakchott , planted 250,000 palm trees create barrier against encroaching desert. further combat desiccation, government constructed dams on senegal river , tributaries increase amount of cultivable land.


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