Further reading Pesticide


greene, stanley a.; pohanish editor-first2=richard p., eds. (22 october 2013). sittig s handbook of pesticides , agricultural chemicals. william andrew. isbn 978-0-8155-1903-4. 
the pesticide manual: world compendium. british crop protection council. 2012. isbn 978-1-901396-86-7. 
hamilton, denis; crossley, stephen, eds. (14 may 2004). pesticide residues in food , drinking water: human exposure , risks. john wiley & sons. isbn 978-0-470-09160-9. 
den hond, frank; groenewegen, peter; straalen, nico van (15 april 2008). pesticides: problems, improvements, alternatives. john wiley & sons. isbn 978-0-470-99544-0. 
kegley, susan e.; wise, laura j. (1 january 1998). pesticides in fruits , vegetables. university science books. isbn 978-0-935702-46-0. 
larramendy, marcelo l.; soloneski, sonia [editors](2014): pesticides: toxic aspects. intech. isbn 978-953-51-1217-4 [open access download available]
levine, marvin j. (1 january 2007). pesticides: toxic time bomb in our midst. greenwood publishing group. isbn 978-0-275-99127-2. 
ware, george w. (1978). pesticide book. w h freeman. 
watson, david h. (2004). pesticide, veterinary , other residues in food. woodhead publishing. isbn 978-1-85573-734-1. 

journal articles

alarcon wa, calvert gm, blondell jm, mehler ln, sievert j, propeck m, tibbetts ds, becker a, lackovic m, soileau sb, das r, beckman j, male dp, thomsen cl, stanbury m (july 2005). acute illnesses associated pesticide exposure @ schools . journal of american medical association. 294 (4): 455–465. doi:10.1001/jama.294.4.455. pmid 16046652. 
world health organization persistent organic pollutants: impact on child health


janofsky, m (august 4, 2006). e.p.a. recommends limits on thousands of uses of pesticides . new york times. retrieved 2006-08-24. 
janofsky, m (2006-08-02). unions e.p.a. bends political pressure . new york times. retrieved 2007-10-10. 


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