Khoe Khoisan languages

the khoe family both numerous , diverse family of khoisan languages, 7 living languages , on quarter million speakers. although little kwadi data available, proto-kwadi–khoe reconstructions have been made pronouns , basic vocabulary.

? kwadi–khoe

kwadi (extinct)

khoekhoe branch appears have been affected kx a–tuu sprachbund.

nama (ethnonyms khoekhoen, nama, damara) (a dialect cluster including ǂaakhoe , haiǁom)
eini (extinct)
south khoekhoe

korana (moribund)
xiri (moribund; dialect cluster)

tshu–khwe (or kalahari) many of these languages have undergone partial click loss.

east tshu–khwe (east kalahari)

shua (a dialect cluster including deti, tsʼixa, ǀxaise, , ganádi)
tsoa (a dialect cluster including cire cire , kua)

west tshu–khwe (west kalahari)

kxoe (a dialect cluster including ǁani , buga)
naro (a dialect cluster, including ǂhaba)
gǁana–gǀwi (a dialect cluster including gǁana , gǀwi)

a haiǁom language listed in khoisan references. century ago haiǁom people spoke ju dialect, close ǃkung, speak divergent dialect of nama. language variously said extinct or have 18,000 speakers, ju or khoe. (their numbers have been included under nama above.) known saa nama, , source of word san.


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