Mountain Y.C5.8Dkai List of Hell Teacher Nūbē characters

1 mountain yōkai

1.1 yukime
1.2 mountain god
1.3 servants of mountain god
1.4 yukibe

mountain yōkai

in northern tohoku region of japan, there exists collection of various yōkai associated local elemental natures of region, such rock, wind, snow , ice. guardian of these yōkai powerful mountain god word regarding spirit law, dominating them , forcing them either obey or face consequences. these beings have detached nature humanity, carrying cold, emotionless existence similar cold winds blow in region: merely exist alongside humans , fate of these humans determined whims. however, nature between these mountain yokai , humans challenged 1 yuki-onna , man loves...


one of several yōkai mountains of northern japan, yukime (ゆきめ/雪姫) 16-year old yuki-onna life complicated due love nūbē. connection made 5 years prior, when nube gets lost while skiing , saves hunter determined kill before grows harm village.

yukime promises find him in eternal love . meaning of made clear when came down doumori, intent on taking him home frozen in ice eternity . still has warm heart, however, convinced shouldn t taken mountains efforts of nūbē s students; when tried attack them, nūbē tells leave, returns work ice skating coach @ local skating rink , tries win heart.

yukime possesses several powers , weaknesses due connections snow, ice , cold. yukime s main ability creation of snow or ice body, using means freeze target can see or point at. freezing power useful in offensive attacks, creation of roadblocks stop larger targets, , can used concentrate light magnifying glass. (not mention useful making shaved ice, according nūbē thing yukime s power for) yukime possesses slight healing ability and, due cold connections, has natural talent figure skating.

being snow yōkai has weaknesses: can not stand intense heat. furthermore, yukime can not make hot foods nor can wear black clothing fear of melting parts of body. yukime have cute remedy temperature problems: when becomes hot, wraps entire body snowman cool herself down, , can drive nūbē crazy when pops out of it… naked. while many of these heat problems remedied through revival later in series, yukime still have problems hotter temperatures.

while yukime becomes valuable ally , nuisance in doumori, relationship nūbē drives of character through series. after first appearance, has love/hate relationship teacher, several of attempts nūbē fall leading acknowledgment, further frustration both of them. making matters worse beautiful , ultra-sensitive ritsuko-sensei, whom nūbē desires , whom begins return of feelings yukime starting through him.

yukime tricked capturing teacher, believing sacrifice of ritsuko needed make human. cannot kill ritsuko through pity; test see if still possesses cold yuki-onna s heart. nūbē saves them both, apologizing , admitting love latter. late, however, severely injured yukime uses last of powers destroy youkai , turns snowflakes in nūbē s arms.

while nūbē believes dead, snowflakes carried away mountains, mountain god uses them create yuki-onna in place, same looks , same name. yukime, however, has cold heart , not hesitate kill. nūbē finds during school trip, tricks him away class in order kill him. allows attack him, not without invoking yukime s memories. confused, new yukime flees.

yukime returned doumori later find closure conflicting feelings, , realizing did love nūbē, decided stay , reconcile 2 halves of herself. although did not remember of life before, implied yukime recovered of memories. personality changed aggressive yuki-onna youkai balance between childish former self , assertive new identity.

the last chapter of manga features nūbē , yukime s wedding, while in normal japanese wedding company s location, nūbē delayed yōkai , cannot meet time of ceremony. decided hold ceremony yukime creating chapel of ice on playground in primary school nūbē teaches , instead of catholic priest, recurring character buddhist priest in series held position instead.

in anime, there alternate world created in kyouko s dreams , subconscious, created youkai had possessed in sleep. in alternate world, yukime had grown full-fledged yuki-onna , still @ doumori, wasn t nūbē anymore since in catatonic state after being murdered youkai. (note: although chapter existed in manga, yukime not in original chapter since had yet return dōmori @ time)

voiced by: yuri shiratori played by: kang ji-young

the mountain god

the kami of unnamed mountain in unnamed province yukime s birthplace. creator, being of nature outside of human understanding. greatest priority balance of nature, caused him grow displeased @ yukime s intention live in human world nūbē. far concerned, yukime created bring snow , balance mountain s winters, , taking away disrupts balance. nothing else matters in equation. mountain god sent servants after her, after defeated nūbē, displeasure grew in more grotesque form---namely causing people in nearby villages grow tree branches on skin. yukime , nūbē attempted placate him failed, , have died in mountain god s wrath if not nūbē s father, used himself human pillar seal away kami s anger , allow son live happy life.

the mountain god s appearance of gigantic human face , hands on large rock cliff. trees grow above him , pools of magma bubbles beneath him.

voiced by: hisao egawa

servants of mountain god

after yukime disobeys orders regarding pursuit of nūbē, mountain god sends several other yokai of mountain after , beloved, each 1 using different tactic separate two.

ippon datara (一本ダタラ ippon datara): yokai appearance of disfigured, one-legged monk, comes yukime stating way can ever gain love of human become 1 freezing body of beautiful woman. (who in case turns out ritsuko-sensei) using power of one-eye, abducts female teacher, leaving frozen yukime finish job. true intention have kill in order regain cold heart had lost, becoming true yuki-onna again , allowing rejoin mountain god. yukime releases ritsuko-sensei, datara freezes , stabs icicles betrayal. eventually, while nūbē , yukime able defeat him, had been worn down assassin last longer...though when fades away, have nūbē s acknowledgement of love.
kodama mice (こだまねずみ kodama nezumi): akita prefecture, these small spies sneak in yukime s satchel after returns doumori following revival. watching yukime until time right, have ability inflate balloons until burst, killing has broken law of mountain god. though wipe out yukime, nūbē , class, able save well-timed sutra prior explosion.
tsulala (つらら tsulala): although appears mature, buxom black-haired woman, yukime s identical twin sister. in youth, 2 of them spent plenty of time together, tsulala consistently played practical jokes on white-haired yuki-onna consistently made reformed or shredded snowflakes. when appears before sister , nube, messenger mountain god sent either take peacefully or kill her, believing bring bad luck nūbē if stays humans. tsulala s own abilities allows manipulate ice, specialty create ice copies of object sees , use living, working model. (including machines , animals) in end, yukime defeats creating giant ice magnifying glass, weakening ice abilities point of being unusable. (but unlike other messengers, tsulala away)
the stone tengu (岩天狗 iwatengu): extremely powerful yokai made of stone, last , strongest of servants of mountain god, pursuing nūbē long after master had been destroyed. after nūbē , yukime engaged, pursues potential groom day before , of wedding, creating illusions anxiety wind make teacher realize horrors of getting married yuki-onna. making nūbē experience sleepless night, drives him death...until power of baki (the oni no te, time working alongside teacher better) saves life. although tengu further increases wind powers increasing nose s length , unleashes ultimate wind abilities, crushed when baki released, nūbē realizes can live happily ever after yuki-onna.


yukibe child looked mixture between yukime , nūbē, whom assumed caused union. real origin, however, solely based on yukime s powers. apparently, yuki-onna reaches maturity, develops power create snow-child (yuki-warashi) play before flying off mountains, way brings winter world. yukibe possessed freezing power yukime has, , caused great deal of havoc before flying off, bringing snow doumori. although yukibe s real appearance, nūbē consistently reminded of him whenever imagines idea of him , yukime having real child, giving him further disgust on relationship between human , yuki-onna.

voiced chika sakamoto


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