'Breakthrough' projects Yuri Milner

1 breakthrough projects

1.1 breakthrough prize
1.2 breakthrough initiatives
1.3 breakthrough junior challenge

breakthrough projects
breakthrough prize

in july 2012, yuri , julia milner established breakthrough prize, joined following year sergey brin, priscilla chan, anne wojcicki , mark zuckerberg. prize set of international awards recognizing 3 fields of endeavor: breakthrough prize in fundamental physics, breakthrough prize in life sciences, , breakthrough prize in mathematics. laureates receive $3 million each in prize money, making breakthrough prizes largest scientific awards in world. there new horizons awards in physics , mathematics younger researchers have produced significant work.

committees of previous laureates choose winners candidates nominated in process online , open public. of march 2017, $174.8m in prize-money has been awarded 70 individual scientists , 4 large research teams.

the prizes presented annually @ gala ceremony featuring celebrity presentations, films, comedy , live music. last 4 ceremonies took place @ hangar 1 (mountain view, california). annual celebrations includes symposiums in 3 recognized fields. program broadcast live on web.

breakthrough initiatives

in july 2015, milner launched breakthrough initiatives, scientific program investigate question of life in universe. announced initiatives @ royal society in london, alongside stephen hawking, martin rees, frank drake, geoff marcy , ann druyan.

three initiatives have been announced far:

breakthrough listen
breakthrough message
breakthrough starshot

the first, breakthrough listen, invest $100 million on 10 years in search evidence of civilizations beyond earth. utilizing green bank, parkes, lick, , fast observatories, listen searching radio , laser signals nearest million stars, nearest 100 galaxies, , plane , center of milky way. initiative use seti@home distributed computing project.

the second initiative, breakthrough message, $1 million annual prize digital messages representing earth , humanity, decoded civilization. messages not sent space until global discussion on ethics of such move has taken place.

the third project, breakthrough starshot, announced april 12, 2016. starshot us$100 million program develop proof-of-concept light sail spacecraft fleet capable of making journey alpha centauri @ 20% speed of light (60 million m/s or 215 million km/h) taking 20 years there, , 4 years notify earth of successful arrival.

on april 20, 2017, breakthrough discuss conference held, during results of year worth of data analysis discussed. according researchers, 692 stars analyzed.

breakthrough junior challenge

in september 2015, breakthrough prize launched breakthrough junior challenge, science competition people between thirteen , eighteen years of age, in collaboration khan academy.


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