The Walk-and-Turn Test .28WAT.29 Drunk driving in the United States

1 walk-and-turn test (wat)

1.1 walk , turn test instructions (wat)
1.2 walk , turn test evaluation
1.3 1 leg stand test (ols)
1.4 1 leg stand test evaluation

the walk-and-turn test (wat)

the walk-and-turn test composed of 2 phases: instruction phase , walking phase. during test, individual directed take 9 steps along straight line. individual supposed walk heel toe, , while looking down @ real or imaginary line, count steps out loud. test subject s arms must remain @ side. reaching ending point, individual must turn around using series of small steps, , return starting point. proper instruction, according nhtsa guidelines, follows:

walk , turn test instructions (wat)

walk , turn test evaluation

there 8 cues or clues police officer looking on walk & turn test, follows:

total cues: 8 cues – decision point: 2/8 cues

the 1 leg stand test (ols)

the 1 leg stand test composed of 2 stages: instruction phase , balancing phase. proper instruction, according nhtsa guidelines, follows:

one leg stand test evaluation

there 4 cues or clues police officer looking on 1 leg stand test, follows

total cues: 4 cues – decision point: 2/4 cues


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