Champ-de-Mars .281908.E2.80.931927.29 History of parks and gardens of Paris

the gardens surrounding huge exposition hall of 1867 paris universal exposition, held on champ-de-mars.

the champ-de-mars gardens (1908–1927) seen eiffel tower

the champ de mars, 24.5 hectares in area, created in 1765 parade ground , training field neighboring ecole militaire. during french revolution site of large patriotic festivals, including festival of supreme being conducted robespierre in 1794. surrounded moat , not open public until 1860, when napoleon iii filled in moat , planted trees along borders, still remained property of army. site of 1867 paris universal exposition, featured large domed pavilion in center, surrounded garden, surrounded large oval-shaped gallery. rest of champ de mars occupied exposition halls , extensive andscape gardens, designed alphand.

the champ-de-mars served again main site of paris universal exposition of 1878. gigantic palace of glass , iron 725 meters long occupied center of park, surrounded gardens designed alphand. paris universal exposition of 1889, celebrating centenary of french revolution, alphand placed eiffel tower in center, near monumental gallery of machines. exposition included palace of fine arts , palace of liberal arts. space around eiffel tower , between galleries , palaces filled large landscape garden, extended along axis between eiffel tower , seine, , ended @ river @ colossal fountain group of allegorical figures, called city of paris illuminates world torch. fountain lit @ night electric lights shining water through plates of colored glass.

in 1889, champ-de-mars formally transferred french army city of paris. used once more paris universal exposition of 1900, and, then, beginning in 1909 until 1927, developed public park. unusual site; large park in paris not enclosed fence, , crossed 3 major boulevards. huge gallery of machines, occupied of site, demolished in 1909. park architect jean camille formigé (1849–1926), protégé of alphand. used long central axis eiffel tower ecole militaire create formal , symmetrical park in french style. long central axis lined paths , rows of trees; basin fountains placed in center; playgrounds built along sides. original gardens 1889 exhibition, around eiffel tower, preserved in original form , can still seen. other french formal gardens, best seen above, in case top of eiffel tower.


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