Malfunctions Parachute

the apollo 15 spacecraft landed safely despite parachute line failure in 1971.

below listed malfunctions specific round parachutes.

a mae west or blown periphery type of round parachute malfunction contorts shape of canopy outward appearance of large brassiere, named after generous proportions of late actress mae west. column of nylon fabric, buffeted wind, rapidly heats friction , opposite sides of canopy can fuse in narrow region, removing chance of opening fully.
a streamer main chute becomes entangled in lines , fails deploy, taking shape of paper streamer. parachutist cuts away provide space , clean air deploying reserve.
an inversion occurs when 1 skirt of canopy blows between suspension lines on opposite side of parachute , catches air. portion forms secondary lobe canopy inverted. secondary lobe grows until canopy turns inside out.
a barber s pole describes having tangle of lines behind jumper s head, cuts away main , opens reserve.
the horseshoe out-of-sequence deployment, when parachute lines , bag released before bag drogue , bridle. can cause lines become tangled or situation parachute drogue not released container.
jumper-in-tow involves static line not disconnect, resulting in jumper being towed behind aircraft.

^ scott royce e. bo. jump school @ fort benning (originally published in column called dustoff in july - august 1988 issue of screaming eagle magazine)


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