Aldersgate Street Aldersgate

memorial @ aldersgate commemorating john wesley s religious experience

28 aldersgate street approximate former location of moravian church. on 24 may 1738, attending meeting @ church, clergyman john wesley underwent profound religious experience. following year, broke moravians , founded methodist society of england. yearly anniversary of experience celebrated methodists aldersgate day. wesley s chapel, in nearby city road, remains major focal point of worldwide methodist movement.

the poet thomas flatman born in house in aldersgate street in 1633. historic buildings on stretch of road, building no longer stands. @ nos. 35-38 stood shaftesbury house, built around 1644 inigo jones. demolished in 1882.

134 aldersgate street, shakespeare s house - demolished in 1879

no. 134 many years had sign claiming: shakespeare s house . although building close nearby fortune playhouse, there no documentary evidence surviving indicate shakespeare resided here; subsidy roll 1598 shows william shakespeare owner of property, there nothing indicate playwright. building no longer exists, , barbican station occupies site. nearby shakespeare tower named (tenuous) connection. @ point aldersgate street changes name goswell road there public house shakespeare .

other notable buildings include 200 aldersgate, large office complex @ southern end of street, , offices of moore stephens, accountancy network, @ 150 aldersgate st.


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