Contextual Interpretation Psalm 82

a correct interpretation of passage must derived worldview of ancient hebrews, , ancient near eastern environment, context produced psalm 82.
for this, job 38 sets scene divine council paradigm present throughout scripture, central work of jesus christ. when laid foundation of earth? tell me, if have understanding. determined measurements—surely know! or stretched line upon it? on bases sunk, or laid cornerstone, when morning stars sang , sons of god shouted joy?
morning stars , sons of god ancient hebrew , ancient near east motifs angels, or divine council referred here in psalm 82. genesis 6:1-4 has sons of god illicitly sire nephilim. isaiah 14:12 has day star , v13 stars of god . both of polemics against satan, chief rebel of sons of god. hence correct interpretation of psalm 82, god holding court in divine council of elohim (gods), , sentencing them malpractice after assigning postdiluvian nations liege, after tower of babel apostasy, in deuteronomy 32:8.
in john 10:34, jesus alludes directly psalm 82, elohim (gods) receive word of god in form of judgment , condemnation. against accusers jesus appealing precedent established in torah, referred god s holy ones, or divine council, gods (elohim).
the traditional christian view of psalm 82 interprets gods humans, strips passage of original supernatural meaning, violates proper contextual interpretation of scripture, , incoherent major supernatural divine council narrative woven throughout old , new testaments.

^ heiser, michael (2015). unseen realm: recovering supernatural worldview of bible (kindle edition)|format= requires |url= (help). bellingham, wa 98225, usa: lexham press. pp. 23–38. isbn 978-1-57-799556-2. 
^ heiser, michael (2015). unseen realm: recovering supernatural worldview of bible (kindle edition)|format= requires |url= (help). billingham, wa 98225, usa: lexham press. pp. 163–171. isbn 978-1-57-799556-2. 


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