Deployment Parachute

animation of 3-ring release system used skydiver cut away main parachute. utilizes mechanical advantage of 200 1.

reserve parachutes have ripcord deployment system, first designed theodore moscicki, modern main parachutes used sports parachutists use form of hand-deployed pilot chute. ripcord system pulls closing pin (sometimes multiple pins), releases spring-loaded pilot chute, , opens container; pilot chute propelled air stream spring, uses force generated passing air extract deployment bag containing parachute canopy, attached via bridle. hand-deployed pilot chute, once thrown air stream, pulls closing pin on pilot chute bridle open container, same force extracts deployment bag. there variations on hand-deployed pilot chutes, system described more common throw-out system.

only hand-deployed pilot chute may collapsed automatically after deployment—by kill line reducing in-flight drag of pilot chute on main canopy. reserves, on other hand, not retain pilot chutes after deployment. reserve deployment bag , pilot chute not connected canopy in reserve system. known free-bag configuration, , components not recovered after reserve deployment.

occasionally, pilot chute not generate enough force either pull pin or extract bag. causes may pilot chute caught in turbulent wake of jumper (the burble ), closing loop holding pin tight, or pilot chute generating insufficient force. effect known pilot chute hesitation, and, if not clear, can lead total malfunction, requiring reserve deployment.

paratroopers main parachutes deployed static lines release parachute, yet retain deployment bag contains parachute—without relying on pilot chute deployment. in configuration deployment bag known direct-bag system, in deployment rapid, consistent, , reliable.


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