Events 1666 in England

london, appeared bankside, southwark, during great fire — derived print of period visscher

1 february – royal court returns london great plague of london subsides.
1–4 june (11–14 june new style) – second anglo-dutch war : 4 days battle: dutch republic fleet under michiel de ruyter defeats english in north sea in 1 of longest naval engagements in history.
25 july (4 august new style) – second anglo-dutch war : st. james s day battle: english fleet under prince rupert of rhine , george monck, 1st duke of albemarle, defeats dutch off north foreland.
9–10 august (19–20 august new style) – holmes s bonfire : rear admiral robert holmes leads english raid on dutch island of terschelling, destroying 150 merchant ships in vlie estuary, , pillaging town of west-terschelling.
2–5 september – great fire of london: large fire breaks out in city of london in house of baker on pudding lane near london bridge. fire destroys more 13,000 buildings including old st paul s cathedral 6 people known have died.
6 september – cestui que vie act passed parliament provide disposal of property of missing persons.


isaac newton uses prism split sunlight component colours of optical spectrum, assisting understanding of nature of light. develops differential calculus. discoveries year lead being referred annus mirabilis.
first burying in woollen act.

^ palmer, alan; palmer, veronica (1992). chronology of british history. london: century ltd. pp. 190–191. isbn 0-7126-5616-2. 
^ penguin pocket on day. penguin reference library. 2006. isbn 0-14-102715-0. 
^ charles ii, 1666: act burying in woollen onely . british history online. retrieved 2011-08-18. 


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