Political positions Chris Carney

1 political positions

1.1 social security
1.2 research
1.3 gun rights
1.4 education
1.5 war in iraq
1.6 2008 financial crisis
1.7 health care

political positions
social security

while opposing proposals privatize social security, said open idea of adding private accounts in addition (not @ expense of) traditional defined benefits.


he supports federal investment in stem cell research, , advocate of universal healthcare.

gun rights

he supports gun rights.


in 2009, carney voted h.r 2187, 21st century green schools act, make grants states modernization, renovation, or repair of public schools, including learning facilities , charter schools, make them safe, healthy, high-performing, , technologically up-to-date.

war in iraq

carney made change of direction in iraq policy cornerstone of 2006 campaign, decrying bush administration s war policies. voted reauthorize funding military action in iraq h.r. 2206. in 2007, voted against h.r. 2956, have required removal of personnel iraq within 120 days. stated since @ war in iraq, top priority should winning war.

2008 financial crisis

carney voted against emergency economic stabilization act of 2008 , voted american recovery , reinvestment act of 2009.

health care

congressman carney voted affordable health care america act patient protection , affordable care act.


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