Types Natural gas storage

1 types

1.1 depleted gas reservoir
1.2 aquifer reservoir
1.3 salt formation
1.4 other

1.4.1 lng
1.4.2 pipeline capacity
1.4.3 gasholders


equipment of underground natural gas storage facility in czech republic near town of milín.

the important type of gas storage in underground reservoirs. there 3 principal types — depleted gas reservoirs, aquifer reservoirs , salt cavern reservoirs. each of these types has distinct physical , economic characteristics govern suitability of particular type of storage type given application.

depleted gas reservoir

these prominent , common form of underground storage. reservoir formations of natural gas fields have produced economically recoverable gas. depleted reservoir formation readily capable of holding injected natural gas. using such facility economically attractive because allows re-use, suitable modification, of extraction , distribution infrastructure remaining productive life of gas field reduces start-up costs. depleted reservoirs attractive because geological , physical characteristics have been studied geologists , petroleum engineers , known. consequently, depleted reservoirs cheapest , easiest develop, operate, , maintain of 3 types of underground storage.

in order maintain working pressures in depleted reservoirs, 50 percent of natural gas in formation must kept cushion gas. however, since depleted reservoirs filled natural gas , hydrocarbons, not require injection of gas become physically unrecoverable present in formation. provides further economic boost type of facility, particularly when cost of gas high. typically, these facilities operated on single annual cycle; gas injected during off-peak summer months , withdrawn during winter months of peak demand.

a number of factors determine whether or not depleted gas field make economically viable storage facility. geographically, depleted reservoirs should relatively close gas markets , transportation infrastructure (pipelines , distribution systems) connect them market. since fields @ 1 time productive , connected infrastructure, distance market dominant geographical factor. geologically, preferred depleted reservoir formations have high porosity , permeability. porosity of formation 1 of factors determines amount of natural gas reservoir able hold. permeability measure of rate @ natural gas flows through formation , determines rate of injection , withdrawal of gas storage.

aquifer reservoir

aquifers underground, porous , permeable rock formations act natural water reservoirs. in cases can used natural gas storage. these facilities operated on single annual cycle depleted reservoirs. geological , physical characteristics of aquifer formation not known ahead of time , significant investment has go investigating these , evaluating aquifer’s suitability natural gas storage.

if aquifer suitable, of associated infrastructure must developed scratch, increasing development costs compared depleted reservoirs. includes installation of wells, extraction equipment, pipelines, dehydration facilities, , possibly compression equipment. since aquifer contains water there little or no naturally occurring gas in formation , of gas injected physically unrecoverable. result, aquifer storage typically requires more cushion gas depleted reservoirs; 80% of total gas volume. aquifer storage facilities developed when price of natural gas low, meaning cushion gas inexpensive sacrifice. rising gas prices aquifer storage becomes more expensive develop.

a consequence of above factors developing aquifer storage facility time consuming , expensive. aquifers least desirable , expensive type of natural gas storage facility.

salt formation

underground salt formations suited natural gas storage. salt caverns allow little of injected natural gas escape storage unless extracted. walls of salt cavern strong , impervious gas on lifespan of storage facility.

once salt feature discovered , found suitable development of gas storage facility cavern created within salt feature. done process of solution mining. fresh water pumped down borehole salt. of salt dissolved leaving void , water, saline, pumped surface. process continues until cavern desired size. once created, salt cavern offers underground natural gas storage vessel high deliverability. cushion gas requirements low, typically 33 percent of total gas capacity.

salt caverns smaller depleted gas reservoir , aquifer storage facilities. salt cavern facility may occupy 1 one-hundredth of area taken depleted gas reservoir facility. consequently, salt caverns cannot hold large volumes of gas necessary meet base load storage requirements. deliverability salt caverns is, however, higher either aquifers or depleted reservoirs. allows gas stored in salt cavern withdrawn , replenished more readily , quickly. quick cycle-time useful in emergency situations or during short periods of unexpected demand surges.

although construction more costly depleted field conversions when measured on basis of dollars per thousand cubic feet of working gas, ability perform several withdrawal , injection cycles each year reduces effective cost.


there other types of storage such as:


a liquefied natural gas storage tank in massachusetts.

lng facilities provide delivery capacity during peak periods when market demand exceeds pipeline deliverability. lng storage tanks possess number of advantages on underground storage. liquid @ approximately −163 °c (−260 °f), occupies 600 times less space gas stored underground, , provides high deliverability @ short notice because lng storage facilities located close market , can trucked customers avoiding pipeline tolls. there no requirement cushion gas , allows access global supply. lng facilities are, however, more expensive build , maintain developing new underground storage facilities.

pipeline capacity

gas can temporarily stored in pipeline system itself, through process called line packing. done packing more gas pipeline increase in pressure. during periods of high demand, greater quantities of gas can withdrawn pipeline in market area, injected @ production area. process of line packing performed during off peak times meet next day’s peaking demands. method, however, provides temporary short-term substitute traditional underground storage.


an older column-guided gasholder in west ham, london

1960s-built spiral-guided gasholders in hunslet, leeds

gas can stored above ground in gasholder (or gasometer), largely balancing, not long-term storage, , has been done since victorian times. these store gas @ district pressure, meaning can provide gas @ peak times. gasholders perhaps used in united kingdom , germany. there 2 kinds of gasholder — column-guided, guided large frame visible, regardless of position of holder; , spiral-guided, have no frame , guided concentric runners in previous lift.

perhaps famous british gasholder large column-guided oval gasholders overlooks oval cricket ground in london. gasholders built in united kingdom victorian times; many, such kings cross in london , st. marks street in kingston upon hull old entirely riveted, construction predates use of welding in construction. last built in uk in 1983.


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