Zyurangers List of Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger characters

1 zyurangers

1.1 geki
1.2 goushi
1.3 dan
1.4 boi
1.5 mei
1.6 burai


the core 5 zyurangers. left right: mammoth ranger, tiger ranger, tyranno ranger, ptera ranger, , tricera ranger.

the zyurangers (ジュウレンジャー, jūrenjā) 5 warriors ancient civilization of humans evolved dinosaurs , coexisted them. team kept in suspended animation 170 million years mentor barza until nemesis bandora accidentally released prison on planetoid nemesis. sixth member later joins team after being revived suspended animation. team use dino bucklers (ダイノバックラー, daino bakkurā) transform. when transformed, each ranger possesses enhanced strength, agility, , speed; , wield ranger sticks (レンジャースティック, renjā sutikku) can convert ranger sword (レンジャーソード, renjā sōdo) or ranger gun (レンジャーガン, renjā gan), legendary weapons (伝説の武器, densetsu no buki), , thunder slingers (サンダースリンガー, sandā suringā). zyurangers use zaurer machine (ザウラーマシン, zaurā mashin) motorcycles.

the zyurangers, exception of dragon ranger, use howling cannon (ハウリングキャノン, hauringu kyanon), combined form of legendary weapons, finish off human-sized dora monsters. ranger sticks used babel attack (バベルアタック, baberu atakku) having zyurangers form human tower, bringing tips of each ranger stick toward center , shooting combined, powerful energy blast. thunder slingers can combine ranger guns become ranger slingers (レンジャースリンガー, renjā suringā), used final shot (ファイナルショット, fainaru shotto) attack having zyurangers shoot ranger slingers simultaneously @ target.


geki (ゲキ) 24-year-old prince of yamato tribe (ヤマト族, yamato zoku) known warrior of justice (正義の戦士, seigi no senshi) , fights tyranno ranger (ティラノレンジャー, tirano renjā). geki leader of zyurangers , has strong sense of justice. though raised king , queen of yamato tribe, adopted them after birth father rebelled against yamato king , forced give geki adoption punishment insubordination. birth father used opportunity challenge king , reclaim geki, killed king. geki learns truth after meeting burai, older brother. geki s legendary weapon ryu-geki sword (龍撃剣, ryūgekiken, dragon attack sword), rides road zaurer 1 (ロードザウラー1, rōdo zaurā wan), , guardian beast tyrannosaurus. geki inherits burai s powers after death, allowing him summon burai s chest armor , arm bands , wield zyusouken summon dragon caesar.

during events of zyuden sentai kyoryuger vs. go-busters: great dinosaur battle! farewell our eternal friends, geki kidnapped neo-grifforzar dino hope can extracted voldos, saved kyoryugers. geki , team join forces abarangers, kyoryugers , go-busters in order defeat common enemy.

geki portrayed yūta mochizuki (望月 祐多, mochizuki yūta).


goushi (ゴウシ, gōshi) 27-year-old knight of sharma tribe (シャーマ族, shāma zoku) known warrior of wisdom (知恵の戦士, chie no senshi) , fights mammoth ranger (マンモスレンジャー, manmosu renjā). calm, cool, , collected, goushi team s second-in-command , wisdom allows him come strategies save teammates whenever re cornered. lost parents when young , raised older sister, lost life while fighting bandora s forces after goushi reached adulthood. uses grappling techniques during battles , legendary weapon moth breaker (モスブレイカー, mosu bureikā) battle axe can converted laser rifle. guardian beast zyu mammoth , rides side zaurer 2 (サイドザウラー2, saido zaurā tsū) has sidecar boi. goushi appeared in final episode of kaizoku sentai gokaiger, receiving powers in form of mammoth ranger key gokaigers left earth.

goushi portrayed seiju umon (右門 青寿, umon seiju), credited under real name aohisa takayasu (高安 青寿, takayasu aohisa).


dan (ダン) 19-year-old knight of etoffe tribe (エトフ族, etofu zoku) known warrior of courage (勇気の戦士, yūki no senshi) , fights tricera ranger (トリケラレンジャー, torikera renjā). 19 years old , courageous warrior willing stand himself against enemy, although has tendency rush dangerous situations without thinking things through. cheerful character serves team s comic relief. legendary weapon double bladed tricelance (トリケランス, torikeransu), separates in half form 2 spears shortened when used part of howling cannon, , guardian beast triceratops. rides side zaurer 3 (サイドザウラー3, saido zaurā surī) has sidecar mei.

dan portrayed hideki fujiwara (藤原 秀樹, fujiwara hideki).


boi (ボーイ, bōi) 15-year-old knight of dime tribe (ダイム族, daimu zoku) known warrior of hope (希望の戦士, kibō no senshi) , fights tiger ranger (タイガーレンジャー, taigā renjā). boi youngest , curious member of team, energetic, , has greater reflexes others. due young age, boi befriended children. legendary weapon pair of twin daggers known saber daggers (サーベルダガー, sāberu dagā) , guardian beast saber tiger.

boi portrayed takumi hashimoto (橋本 巧, hashimoto takumi).


mei (メイ) 18-year-old princess of lithia tribe (リシヤ族, rishiya zoku) known warrior of love (愛の戦士, ai no senshi) , fights ptera ranger (プテラレンジャー, putera renjā). although gentle , loving young woman, mei warrior refuses lose, no matter how dire situation is. s skilled archer ptera arrow (プテラアロー, putera arō) , guardian beast pteranodon.

mei s ancestor, yui (ユイ), sacrificed life stop plant demon guzzler, dora guzzler modeled after.

mei portrayed reiko chiba (千葉 麗子, chiba reiko).


burai (ブライ) 32-year-old knight of yamato tribe known warrior of power (力の戦士, chikara no senshi) , fights dragon ranger (ドラゴンレンジャー, doragon renjā, 17-42) geki s biological older brother, whom separated when geki still infant after birth father forced hand geki on yamato tribe s king , queen after rebelling against him. burai s father used opportunity challenge king in order reclaim geki, defeated. before dying, told burai avenge death. burai froze himself in separate sleeping chamber others , last ranger revived in present day. after awakening present day, burai discovers living on borrowed time , preserves lifespan staying inside timeless room after cave froze himself in collapsed , revived clotho. after fighting against zyurangers while hellfried sword weapon, burai reconciles geki , joins team. burai dies after helping others , passes powers onto geki. dragon ranger, burai wears golden chest armor , gold arm bands. guardian beast dragon caesar, summons zyusouken (獣奏剣, jūsōken, beast play sword), dagger doubles flute , teleports owner lapseless room.

during events of kaizoku sentai gokaiger, burai appeared in vision gai ikari/gokai silver , granted him greater power of zyurangers, dino mecha goujyu rex.

burai portrayed shiro izumi (和泉 史郎, izumi shirō). child, burai portrayed hisashi sakai (酒井 寿, sakai hisashi).


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