Articles Dark-eyed junco

1 articles

1.1 morphology
1.2 behavior
1.3 status
1.4 other


mulvihill rs & chandler cr. (1990). relationship between wing shape , differential migration in th dark-eyed junco. auk. vol 107, no 3. pp. 490–9
mulvihill rs & chandler cr. (1991). comparison of wing shape between migratory , sedentary dark-eyed juncos (junco-hyemalis). condor. vol 93, no 1. pp. 172–5
neal, joseph c. (2003). junco challenge: genuine pink-sided junco arkansas , look-alikes birding 35(2): 132–6


allan ta. (1979). parental behavior of replacement male dark-eyed junco junco-hyemalis. auk. vol 96, no 3. pp. 630–631.
baker mc, belcher cs, deutsch lc, sherman gl & thompson db. (1981). foraging success in junco junco-hyemalis flocks , effects of social hierarchy. anim behav. vol 29, no 1. pp. 137–142.
balph mh. (1979). flock stability in relation social dominance , agonistic behavior in wintering dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis. auk. vol 96, no 4. pp. 714–722.
boysen af, lima sl & bakken gs. (2001). thermal environment influence vigilance behavior in dark-eyed juncos (junco hyemalis)? approach using standard operative temperature. j therm biol. vol 26, no 6. pp. 605–612.
butler rw. (1980). appropriation of american robin turdus-migratorius nest dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis-oreganus. canadian field naturalist. vol 94, no 2.
caraco t. (1981). energy budgets, risk , foraging preferences in dark-eyed juncos (junco-hyemalis). behav ecol sociobiol. vol 8, no 3. pp. 213–217.
clotfelter ed, schubert ka, nolan v & ketterson ed. (2003). mouth color signals thermal state of nestling dark-eyed juncos (junco hyemalis). ethology. vol 109, no 2. pp. 171–182.
corbitt c & deviche p. (2005). age-related difference in size of brain regions song learning in adult male dark-eyed juncos (junco hyemalis). brain behavior & evolution. vol 65, no 4. pp. 268–277.
cristol da. (1992). food deprivation influences dominance status in dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis. anim behav. vol 43, no 1. pp. 117–124.
cristol da. (1995). costs of switching social groups dominant , subordinate dark-eyed juncos (junco hyemalis). behavioral ecology & sociobiology. vol 37, no 2. pp. 93–101.
cristol da, nolan vj & ketterson ed. (1990). effect of prior residence on dominance status of dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis. anim behav. vol 40, no 3. pp. 580–586.
czikeli h. (1983). agonistic interactions within winter flock of slate-colored juncos junco-hyemalis evidence dominants strategy. zeitschrift für tierpsychologie. vol 61, no 1. pp. 61–66.
deviche p & gulledge cc. (1998). vocal control region volumes of adult, sexually dimorphic songbird (junco hyemalis) change seasonally in both sexes. society neuroscience abstracts. vol 24, no 1-2.
fretwell s. (1969). dominance behavior , winter habitat distribution in juncos junco-hyemalis. bird banding. vol 40, no 1. pp. 1–25.
goldman p. (1980). flocking possible predator defense in dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis. wilson bull. vol 92, no 1. pp. 88–95.
goldstein gb & baker mc. (1984). seed selection juncos junco-hyemalis. wilson bull. vol 96, no 3. pp. 458–463.
grindstaff jl, buerkle ca, casto jm, nolan v & ketterson ed. (2001). offspring sex ratio unrelated male attractiveness in dark-eyed juncos (junco hyemalis). behav ecol sociobiol. vol 50, no 4. pp. 312–316.
hill ja, enstrom da, ketterson ed, nolan v & ziegenfus c. (1999). mate choice based on static versus dynamic secondary sexual traits in dark-eyed junco. behav ecol. vol 10, no 1. pp. 91–96.
holberton rl, able kp & wingfield jc. (1989). status signalling in dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis plumage manipulations , hormonal correlates of dominance. anim behav. vol 37, no 4. pp. 681–689.
jawor mm & ketterson ed. (2003). dominance status influences breeding success in female dark-eyed juncos (junco hyemalis). integr comp biol. vol 43, no 6. pp. 861–861.
keiser jt, ziegenfus cws & cristol da. (2005). homing success of migrant versus nonmigrant dark-eyed juncos (junco hyemalis). auk. vol 122, no 2. pp. 608–617.
ketterson ed. (1979). aggressive behavior in wintering dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis determinants of dominance , possible relation geographic variation in sex ratio. wilson bull. vol 91, no 3. pp. 371–383.
ketterson ed & nolan vj. (1978). on night weight loss in dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis. auk. vol 95, no 4. pp. 755–758.
ketterson ed & nolan vj. (1979). seasonal annual , geographic variation in sex ratio of wintering populations of dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis. auk. vol 96, no 3. pp. 532–536.
ketterson ed & nolan vj. (1982). role of migration , winter mortality in life history of temperate zone migrant dark-eyed junco junco-hyemalis-hyemalis determined demographic analyses of winter populations. auk. vol 99, no 2. pp. 243–259.
ketterson ed & nolan vj. (1983). autumnal zugunruhe , migratory fattening of dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis apparently suppressed detention @ wintering site. wilson bull. vol 95, no 4. pp. 628–635.
lima sl. (1988). vigilance , diet selection simple example in dark-eyed junco. canadian journal of zoology. vol 66, no 3. pp. 593–596.
lima sl, zollner pa & bednekoff pa. (1999). predation, scramble competition, , vigilance group size effect in dark-eyed juncos (junco hyemalis). behav ecol sociobiol. vol 46, no 2. pp. 110–116.
merritt j & martin ew. (1987). distribution , turnover of s-35 methionine influenced diet in dark-eyed junco (junco-hyemalis). comp biochem physiol a-physiol. vol 88, no 3. pp. 443–445.
murphy mt, bakken gs & erskine dj. (1986). metabolic responses of dark-eyed juncos (junco-hyemalis, aves) temperature , wind. zool. vol 26, no 4. p. a112-a112.
nolan vj & ketterson ed. (1983). analysis of body mass wing length , visible fat deposits of dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis wintering @ different latitudes. wilson bull. vol 95, no 4. pp. 603–620.
nolan vj, ketterson ed & wolf l. (1986). long-distance homing nonmigratory dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis. condor. vol 88, no 4. pp. 539–542.
rabenold kn & rabenold pp. (1985). variation in altitudinal migration winter segregation , site tenacity in 2 subspecies of dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis in southern appalachians usa. auk. vol 102, no 4. pp. 805–819.
rambo tc. (1981). social hierarchy , activity in caged flocks of dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis. ohio journal of science. vol 81, no 1. pp. 24–28.
rasner ca, yeh p, eggert ls, hunt ke, woodruff ds & price td. (2004). genetic , morphological evolution following founder event in dark-eyed junco, junco hyemalis thurberi. mol ecol. vol 13, no 3. pp. 671–681.
roberts epj & weigl pd. (1984). habitat preference in dark-eyed junco junco-hyemalis role of photoperiod , dominance. anim behav. vol 32, no 3. pp. 709–714.
rogers cm, nolan v, jr. & ketterson ed. (1994). winter fattening in dark-eyed junco: plasticity , possible interaction migration trade-offs. oecologia. vol 97, no 4. pp. 526–532.
rogers cm, theimer tl, nolan vj & ketterson ed. (1989). dominance determine how far dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis migrate winter range?. anim behav. vol 37, no 3. pp. 498–506.
shettleworth sj & westwood rp. (2002). divided attention, memory, , spatial discrimination in food-storing , nonstoring birds, black-capped chickadees (poecile atricapilla) , dark-eyed juncos (junco hyemalis). j exp psychol-anim behav process. vol 28, no 3. pp. 227–241.
smith kg. (1984). dark-eyed junco, junco-hyemalis, nest usurped pacific jumping mouse, zapus-trinotatus. can field-nat. vol 98, no 1. pp. 47–48.
smith kg. (1988). clutch-size dependent asynchronous hatching , brood reduction in junco-hyemalis. auk. vol 105, no 1. pp. 200–203.
smith kg & andersen dc. (1982). food predation , reproductive ecology of dark-eyed junco junco-hyemalis-mearnsi in northern utah usa. auk. vol 99, no 4. pp. 650–661.
smith kg & andersen dc. (1985). snowpack , variation in reproductive ecology of montane ground-nesting passerine, junco-hyemalis. ornis scandinavica. vol 16, no 1. pp. 8–13.
soini ha, schrock se, bruce ke, wiesler d, ketterson ed & novotny mv. (2007). seasonal variation in volatile compound profiles of preen gland secretions of dark-eyed junco (junco hyemalis). j chem ecol. vol 33, no 1. pp. 183–198.
stuebe mm & ketterson ed. (1982). fasting in tree sparrows spizella-arborea , dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis ecological implications. auk. vol 99, no 2. pp. 299–308.
stuebe mm & ketterson ed. (1982). study of fasting in tree sparrows (spizella-arborea) , dark-eyed juncos (junco-hyemalis) – ecological implications. auk. vol 99, no 2. pp. 299–308.
swanson dl. (1990). seasonal variation in cold hardiness , peak rates of cold-induced thermogenesis in dark-eyed junco junco-hyemalis. auk. vol 107, no 3. pp. 561–566.
swanson dl. (1991). seasonal adjustments in metabolism , insulation in dark-eyed junco. condor. vol 93, no 3. pp. 538–545.
terrill sb. (1987). social dominance , migratory restlessness in dark-eyed junco junco-hyemalis. behavioral ecology & sociobiology. vol 21, no 1. pp. 1–12.
theimer tc. (1987). effect of seed dispersion on foraging success of dominant , subordinate dark-eyed juncos, junco-hyemalis. anim behav. vol 35, pp. 1883–1890.
thompson db, tomback df, cunningham ma & baker mc. (1987). seed selection dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis optimal foraging nutrient constraints?. oecologia. vol 74, no 1. pp. 106–111.
vezina f & thomas dw. (1997). social rank , use of nocturnal hypothermia in dark-eyed juncos (junco hyemalis). bulletin of ecological society of america. vol 78, no 4 suppl.
vezina f & thomas dw. (2000). social status not affect resting metabolic rate in wintering dark-eyed junco (junco hyemalis). physiol biochem zool. vol 73, no 2. pp. 231–236.
wiedenmann rn & rabenold kn. (1987). effects of social dominance between 2 subspecies of dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis. anim behav. vol 35, no 3. pp. 856–864.
wiley rh. (1990). prior-residence , coat-tail effects in dominance relationships of male dark-eyed juncos, junco-hyemalis. anim behav. vol 40, pp. 587–596.
wiley rh & hartnett sa. (1980). mechanisms of spacing in groups of juncos junco-hyemalis measurement of behavioral tendencies in social situations. anim behav. vol 28, no 4. pp. 1005–1016.
wolf l. (1983). experimental study of bi parental care in dark-eyed junco junco-hyemalis. zool. vol 23, no 4. pp. 930–930.
wolf l, ketterson ed & nolan vj. (1988). parental influence on growth , survival of dark-eyed junco young parental males benefit. anim behav. vol 36, no 6. pp. 1601–1618.
yasukawa k & bick ei. (1983). dominance hierarchies in dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis test of game theory model. anim behav. vol 31, no 2. pp. 439–448.
yaukey ph. (1994). variation in racial dominance within winter range of dark-eyed junco (junco-hyemalis l). j biogeogr. vol 21, no 4. pp. 359–368.
yunick rp. (1976). rate of rectrix regrowth in dark-eyed junco. bird-banding. vol 47, no 2. pp. 136–140.


collins ct. (1987). breeding record of dark-eyed junco on santa catalina island california usa. western birds. vol 18, no 2. pp. 129–130.
polder jjw & voous kh. (1969). capture of slate-colored junco junco-hyemalis in netherlands. limosa. vol 42, no 3-4. pp. 198–200.


bears h. (2004). parasite prevalence in dark-eyed juncos, junco hyemalis, breeding @ different elevations. can field-nat. vol 118, no 2. pp. 235–238.
brackbill h. (1977). protracted prebasic head molt in dark-eyed junco. bird banding. vol 48, no 4. pp. 370–370.
deviche p, greiner ec & manteca x. (2001). seasonal , age-related changes in blood parasite prevalence in dark-eyed juncos (junco hyemalis, aves, passeriformes). j exp zool. vol 289, no 7. pp. 456–466.
jung re, morton es & fleischer rc. (1994). behavior , parentage of white-throated sparrow x dark-eyed junco hybrid. wilson bull. vol 106, no 2. pp. 189–202.
ketterson ed & nolan vj. (1976). geographic variation , climatic correlates in sex ratio of eastern wintering dark-eyed juncos junco-hyemalis-hyemalis. ecology. vol 57, no 4. pp. 679–693.
simmons ga & sloan nf. (1969). new bird nest monitoring technique inst event recorder hylocichla-guttata junco-hyemalis. american midland naturalist. vol 81, no 1. pp. 276–279.
weske js & bridge d. (1976). incomplete pre-basic molt in dark-eyed junco. bird-banding. vol 47, no 3. pp. 276–277.
worth cb. (1975). pseudoscorpions on dark-eyed junco, junco-hyemalis. bird-banding. vol 46, no 1. pp. 76–76.


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