Defeat Cimbri

the defeat of cimbri alexandre-gabriel décamps

in 104-103 bc, cimbri had turned iberian peninsula pillaged far , wide, until confronted coalition of celtiberians. defeated, cimbri returned gaul, joined allies, teutons. during time c. marius had time prepare and, in 102 bc, ready meet teutons , ambrones @ rhône. these 2 tribes intended pass italy through western passes, while cimbri , tigurines take northern route across rhine , later across central eastern alps.

at estuary of isère river, teutons , ambrones met marius, well-defended camp did not manage overrun. instead, pursued route, , marius followed them. @ aquae sextiae, romans won 2 battles , took teuton king teutobod prisoner.

the cimbri had penetrated through alps northern italy. consul quintus lutatius catulus had not dared fortify passes, instead had retreated behind river po, , land open invaders. cimbri did not hurry, , victors of aquae sextiae had time arrive reinforcements. @ battle of vercellae, @ confluence of sesia river po river, in 101 bc, long voyage of cimbri came end.

it devastating defeat, 2 chieftains, lugius , boiorix, died on field, while other chieftains caesorix , claodicus captured. women killed both , children in order avoid slavery. cimbri annihilated, although may have survived return homeland population name residing in northern jutland in 1st century ad, according sources quoted above. of surviving captives reported have been among rebelling gladiators in third servile war.

however, justin s epitome of trogus, 38.4, has mithridates great state cimbri ravaging italy while social war going on, i.e. @ time in 90 - 88 bce, more decade later, after having sent ambassadors cimbri request military aid; judging context must have been living in north eastern europe @ time.


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