Components of the complex Origins and architecture of the Taj Mahal

1 components of complex

1.1 mausoleum (rauza-i munauwara)
1.2 riverfront terrace (chameli farsh)
1.3 garden (charbagh)
1.4 great gate (darwaza-i rauza)
1.5 forecourt (jilaukhana)
1.6 bazaar , caravanserai (taj ganji)
1.7 perimeter walls , ancillary buildings
1.8 waterworks
1.9 moonlight garden (mahtab bagh)

components of complex

mausoleum (rauza-i munauwara)

base, dome, , minaret

the focus , climax of taj mahal complex symmetrical white marble tomb; cubic building chamfered corners, arched recesses known pishtaqs. topped large dome , several pillared, roofed chhatris. in plan, has near perfect symmetry 4 axes. comprises 4 floors; lower basement storey containing tombs of jahan , mumtaz, entrance storey containing identical cenotaphs of tombs below in more elaborate chamber, ambulatory storey , roof terrace.


the mausoleum cubic chamfered edges. on long sides, massive pishtaq, or vaulted archway frames arch-shaped doorway, similar arch-shaped balcony above. these main arches extend above roof building use of integrated facade. either side of main arch, additional pishtaqs stacked above , below. motif of stacked pishtaqs replicated on chamfered corner areas. design uniform , consistent on sides of building.


the marble dome surmounts tomb spectacular feature. height same size base building, 35 m. height accentuated because sits on cylindrical drum 7 metres high. because of shape, dome called onion dome (also called amrud or apple dome). dome topped gilded finial, mixes traditional islamic , hindu decorative elements. dome shape emphasised 4 smaller domed chhatris placed @ corners. chhatri domes replicate onion shape of main dome. columned bases open through roof of tomb, , provide light interior. chhatris topped gilded finials. tall decorative spires (guldastas) extend edges of base walls, , provide visual emphasis of dome height.

lower chamber

cenotaphs in lower chamber

muslim tradition forbids elaborate decoration of graves, bodies of mumtaz , shah jahan laid in relatively plain, marble faced chamber, beneath main chamber of taj. buried in graves on north-south axis, faces turned right (west) toward mecca. 2 cenotaphs above mark graves. mumtaz s cenotaph placed @ precise center of inner chamber. on rectangular marble base 1.5 2.5 metres smaller marble casket. both base , casket elaborately inlaid precious , semiprecious gems. calligraphic inscriptions on top of casket recite verses koran , on sides express ninety-nine beautiful names of allah.

main chamber

the inner chamber of taj mahal contains cenotaphs of mumtaz , shah jahan. masterpiece of artistic craftsmanship, virtually without precedent or equal. inner chamber octagon. while design allows entry each face, south (garden facing) door used. interior walls 25 metres high, topped false interior dome decorated sun motif. 8 pishtaq arches define space @ ground level. typical exterior, each lower pishtaq crowned second pishtaq midway wall. 4 central upper arches form balconies or viewing areas; each balcony s exterior window has intricate screen or jali cut marble. in addition light balcony screens, light enters through roof openings covered chhatris @ corners of exterior dome. each of chamber walls has been highly decorated dado bas relief, intricate lapidary inlay, , refined calligraphy panels.

the hierarchical ordering of entire complex reaches crescendo in chamber. mumtaz s cenotaph sits @ geometric centre of building; jahan buried @ later date side west — arrangement seen in other mughal tombs of period such itmad-ud-daulah. marble used exclusively base material increasingly dense, expensive , complex parchin kari floral decoration 1 approaches screen , cenotaphs inlaid semi-precious stones. use of such inlay work reserved in shah jahani architecture spaces associated emperor or immediate family. ordering of decoration simultaneously emphasises cardinal points , centre of chamber dissipating concentric octagons. such hierarchies appear in both muslim , indian culture important spiritual , atrological themes. chamber abundant evocation of garden of paradise representations of flowers, plants , arabesques , calligraphic inscriptions in both thuluth , less formal naskh script,

shah jahan s cenotaph beside mumtaz s western side. asymmetric element in entire complex. cenotaph bigger wife s, reflects same elements: larger casket on taller base, again decorated astonishing precision lapidary , calligraphy identifies shah jahan. on lid of casket sculpture of small pen box. (the pen box , writing tablet traditional mughal funerary icons decorating men s , women s caskets respectively.)

an octagonal marble screen or jali borders cenotaphs , made 8 marble panels. each panel has been carved through intricate piercework. remaining surfaces have been inlaid semiprecious stones in extremely delicate detail, forming twining vines, fruits , flowers.

riverfront terrace (chameli farsh)

plinth , terrace


riverfront terrace



at corners of plinth stand minarets: 4 large towers each more 40 metres tall. towers designed working minarets, traditional element of mosques, place muezzin call islamic faithful prayer. each minaret divided 3 equal parts 2 balconies ring tower. @ top of tower final balcony surmounted chhatri echoes design of on tomb. minaret chhatris share same finishing touches: lotus design topped gilded finial. each of minarets constructed out of plumb outside of plinth, in event of collapse (a typical occurrence many such tall constructions of period) structure fall away tomb.

jawab , mosque


the mausoleum flanked 2 identical buildings on either side of platform. west mosque, east jawab. jawab, meaning answer balances bilateral symmetry of composition , used place entertaining , accommodation important visitors. differs mosque in lacks mihrab, niche in mosque s wall facing mecca, , floors have geometric design, while mosque floor laid out outlines of 569 prayer rugs in black marble.

the mosque s basic tripartite design similar others built shah jahan, particularly masjid-i-jahan numa in delhi — long hall surmounted 3 domes. mughal mosques of period divide sanctuary hall 3 areas: main sanctuary smaller sanctuaries either side. @ taj mahal, each sanctuary opens onto enormous vaulting dome.

garden (charbagh)

walkways beside reflecting pool

the large charbagh (a form of persian garden divided 4 parts) provides foreground classic view of taj mahal. garden s strict , formal planning employs raised pathways divide each quarter of garden 16 sunken parterres or flowerbeds. raised marble water tank @ center of garden, halfway between tomb , gateway, , linear reflecting pool on north-south axis reflect taj mahal. elsewhere garden laid out avenues of trees , fountains. charbagh garden meant symbolise 4 flowing rivers of paradise. raised marble water tank (hauz) called al hawd al-kawthar, literally meaning , named after tank of abundance promised muhammad in paradise faithful may quench thirst upon arrival.

two pavilions occupy east , west ends of cross axis, 1 mirror of other. in classic charbargh design, gates have been located in location. in taj provide punctuation , access long enclosing wall decorative crenellations. built of sandstone, given tripartite form , on 2 storeys , capped white marble chhatris supported 8 columns.

the original planting of garden 1 of taj mahal s remaining mysteries. contemporary accounts deal architecture , mention various kinds of fruit-bearing trees , rare aromatic herbs in relation garden. cypress trees have been planted being popular similes in persian poetry slender elegant stature of beloved. end of 18th century, thomas twining noted orange trees , large plan of complex suggests beds of various other fruits such pineapples, pomegranates, bananas, limes , apples. british, @ end of 19th century thinned out lot of increasingly forested trees, replanted cypresses , laid gardens lawns in own taste.

the layout of garden, , architectural features such fountains, brick , marble walkways, , geometric brick-lined flowerbeds similar shalimar s, , suggest garden may have been designed same engineer, ali mardan.

early accounts of garden describe profusion of vegetation, including roses, daffodils, , fruit trees in abundance. mughal empire declined, tending of garden declined well. when british took on management of taj mahal, changed landscaping resemble formal lawns of london.

great gate (darwaza-i rauza)

the great gate stands north of entrance forecourt (jilaukhana) , provides symbolic transition between worldly realm of bazaars , caravanserai , spiritual realm of paradise garden, mosque , mausoleum. rectangular plan variation of 9-part hasht bihisht plan found in mausoleum. corners articulated octagonal towers giving structure defensive appearance. external domes reserved tombs , mosques , large central space not receive outward expression of internal dome. within great gate, mausoleum framed pointed arch of portal. inscriptions qu ran inlaid around 2 northern , southern pishtaqs, southern 1 daybreak invites believers enter garden of paradise.

southern galleries (iwan dar iwan)

running length of northern side of southern garden wall east , west of great gate galleried arcades. galleries used during rainy season admit poor , distribute alms. raised platform geometric paving provides seating column bases , between them cusped arches typical of mughul architecture of period. galleries terminate @ each end transversely placed room tripartite divisions.

forecourt (jilaukhana)

the jilaukhana (literally meaning in front of house ) courtyard feature introduced mughal architecture shah jahan. provided area visitors dismount horses or elephants , assemble in style before entering main tomb complex. rectangular area divides north-south , east-west entry tomb complex through main gate north , entrance gates leading outside provided in eastern, western , southern walls. southern gate leads taj ganji quarter.

bazaar streets

two identical streets lead east , west gates centre of courtyard. lined verandahed colonnades articulated cusped arches behind cellular rooms used sell goods when taj built until 1996. tax revenue trade used upkeep of taj complex. eastern bazaar streets ruined end of 19th century , restored lord curzon restored 1900 , 1908.

inner subsidiary tombs (saheli burj)

two mirror image tombs located @ southern corners of jilaukhana. conceived miniature replicas of main complex , stand on raised platforms accessed steps. each octagonal tomb constructed on rectangular platform flanked smaller rectangular buildings in front of laid charbargh garden. uncertainty exists whom tombs might memorialise. descriptions absent contemporary accounts either because unbuilt or because ignored, being tombs of women. on first written document mention them, plan drawn thomas , william daniel in 1789, eastern tomb marked belonging akbarabadi mahal , western fatehpuri mahal (two of jahan s other wives).

northern courtyards (khawasspuras)

a pair of courtyards found in northern corners of jilaukhana provided quarters (khawasspuras) tombs attendants , hafiz. residential element provided transition between outside world , other-worldy delights of tomb complex. khawasspurs had fallen state of disrepair late 18th century institution of khadim continued 20th century. khawasspuras restored lord curzon part of repairs between 1900 , 1908, after western courtyard used nursery garden , western courtyard used cattle stable until 2003.

bazaar , caravanserai (taj ganji)

the bazaar , caravanserai constructed integral part of complex, provide construction workers accommodation , facilities wellbeing, , later place trade, revenue of supplemented expenses of complex. area became small town in own right during , after building of taj. known mumtazabad , today called taj ganji or taj market . plan took characteristic form of square divided 2 cross axial streets gates 4 cardinal points. bazaars lined each street , resultant squares each corner housed caravanserais in open courtyards accessed internal gates streets intersected (chauk). contemporary sources pay more attention north eastern , western parts of taj ganji (taj market) , half received imperial funding. thus, quality of architecture finer southern half.

the distinction between how sacred part of complex , secular regarded acute in part of complex. whilst rest of complex received maintenance after construction, taj ganji became bustling town , centre of agra s economic activity different kinds of merchandise every land, varieties of goods every country, sorts of luxuries of time, , various kinds of necessities of civilisation , comfortable living brought parts of world sold. idea of sort of goods might have been traded found in names caravanserais; north western 1 known katra omar khan (market of omar khan), north eastern katra fulel (perfume market), south western katra resham (silk market) , south-eastern katra jogidas. has been redeveloped ever since construction, extent 19th century had become unrecognisable part of taj mahal , no longer featured on contemporary plans , architecture largely obliterated. today, contrast stark between taj mahal s elegant, formal geometric layout , narrow streets organic, random , un-unified constructions found in taj ganji. fragments of original constructions remain, notably gates.

perimeter walls , ancillary buildings

the taj mahal complex bounded on 3 sides crenellated red sandstone walls, river-facing side left open. garden-facing inner sides of wall fronted columned arcades, feature typical of hindu temples later incorporated mughal mosques. wall interspersed domed chhatris, , small buildings may have been viewing areas or watch towers.

outside walls several additional mausolea. these structures, composed of red sandstone, typical of smaller mughal tombs of era. outer eastern tomb has associated mosque called black mosque (kali masjid) or sandalwood mosque (sandli masjid). design closely related inner subsidiary tombs found in jilhaukhana — small, landlocked versions of riverfront terrace garden separating mosque tomb. person interred here unknown, female member of jahan s household.


water taj complex provided through complex infrastructure. first drawn river series of purs - animal-powered rope , bucket mechanism. water flowed along arched aqueduct large storage tank, where, thirteen additional purs, raised large distribution cistern above taj ground level located west of complex s wall. here water passed 3 subsidiary tanks , piped complex. head of pressure generated height of tanks (9.5m) sufficient supply fountains , irrigate gardens. 0.25 metre diameter earthenware pipe lies 1.8 metres below surface, in line main walkway fills main pools of complex. of earthenware pipes replaced in 1903 cast iron. fountain pipes not connected directly fountain heads, instead copper pot provided under each fountain head: water filled pots ensuring equal pressure each fountain. purs no longer remain, other parts of infrastructure have survived arches of aqueduct used accommodate offices archaeological survey of india s horticultural department.

moonlight garden (mahtab bagh)

18th-century view of taj mahal complex moonlight garden shown @ top of page.

to north of taj mahal complex, across river charbagh garden, mahtab bagh. designed integral part of complex in riverfront terrace pattern seen elsewhere in agra. width identical of rest of taj. garden historian elizabeth moynihan suggests large octagonal pool in centre of terrace reflect image of mausoleum , garden provide setting view taj mahal. garden has been beset flooding river since mughal times. result, condition of remaining structures quite ruinous. 4 sandstone towers marked corners of garden, south-eastward 1 remains. foundations of 2 structures remain north , south of large pool garden pavilions. northern structure stepped waterfall have fed pool. garden north has typical square, cross-axial plan square pool in centre. west aqueduct fed garden.

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