Get it Right .282010.E2.80.9311.29 Speak Good English Movement

a right poster @ food-court displaying correction of ungrammatical english.

in 11th year, speak english movement 2010 launched on 7 september 2010 tagline right . year s focus on less proficient in standard english. aimed @ broadening environment in standard english used, in order create conducive environment less proficient in code can learn example. fluent speakers of standard english encouraged use more in conversation, regardless if family members, colleagues, hawkers, or taxi drivers.

activist toolkit

in bid singaporeans right -where proficient in standard english take note use language accurately , less proficient @ try use correctly; organisers introduced activist toolkit. activist toolkit includes sticky notes, stickers , notebooks. people encouraged use sticky notes correct english errors encounter anywhere. example, correcting wrongly expressed sign pasting sticky note on it. tactic called guerrilla-styled guerrilla marketing. current minister community development, youth , sports vivian balakrishnan kicked off year s campaign being first correct sign @ xin food court @ harbourfront centre. replaced ungrammatical sign saying no outside food allowed 1 reads no food elsewhere, please .

partner programmes in 2010–11

english pronunciation workshops (jan & elly):this partner programme jan , elly offered series of free pronunciation workshops held @ public libraries across singapore. workshops aimed teach participants how understand , use proper english pronunciation in international environment.
english workshop series (british council singapore): british council singapore offered series of free workshops @ public libraries across singapore august december 2010. topics included know pronunciation , phonics , learning literacy , success presentation . reading workshops children , parents english communication workshops working adults conducted.
english workshops young executives (ascend education centre):ascend education centre conducted series of 8 workshops targeting young working executives. focus on improving communication skills brushing written , spoken grammar of participants. of topics included: don’t tense on tenses – present, perfect , past , if could? – use of modals , active using passive , work way – use of phrasal verbs , therefore, in conclusion – use of conjunctions , transition phrases
english broken: citizen-journalism , social networking site, stomp collaborated sgem provide english language panel answers readers questions regarding english language in local context on daily basis. stomp s continuing partnership movement has since produced 2 books focus on commonly asked questions , mistakes, tips on how improve reader s command of english language. stomp launched free iphone app, right, allows users listen correct pronunciation of words commonly mispronounced singaporeans , definition of these words. app uses familiar singaporean voice pronounce words in hopes of making more appealing , useful target audience in spontaneous situations when unsure of pronunciation of word.
street speak (razortv):razortv, online television broadcast service launched 5-part video series titled street speak focuses on 5 areas singaporeans commonly face difficulties in daily use of english language. series suggests corrections self-improvements. 5 areas include literal translations , vocabulary , grammar/ tenses , pronunciation , listening .
english fun facts (938live):the radio station run daily programmes featuring fun facts , trivia english. examples of topics include did know english words have foreign origins? , did know meanings of english words have evolved on time?

^ english right -even @ kopitiam – paper, 1 september 2010, p.4
^ getting right start – straits times, 1 september 2010, p.b06
^ sgem official media release 2010, 31 august 2010
^ sticky notes pasted on bad signs – todayonline, 8 september 2010. retrieved 18 november 2010
^ act on poor english – straits times, 8 september 2010. retrieved 18 november 2010
^ right iphone app – paper, 19 november 2010, p.a23


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