Criticism Speak Good English Movement

1 criticism

1.1 singlish marker of singaporean identity

1.1.1 save our singlish campaign
1.1.2 speak singlish movement

1.2 hiring native english speakers teach
1.3 interference argument


the sgem has received mixed reactions beginning; strongest opponents have included linguists , social commentators. in response, liew choon boon, director of arts & heritage development division ministry of information, communications , arts , ho peng, director of curriculum planning , development ministry of education, wrote in letter published in straits times on 12 december 2008:

while singlish may fascinating academic topic linguists write papers about, singapore has no interest in becoming curious zoo specimen dissected , described scholars.

singlish marker of singaporean identity

the speak english movement government s effort encourage singaporeans speak standard english rather colloquial form, singlish. many singaporeans have criticised trying eradicate singlish. arguing singlish distinctive marker of singaporean identity, supporters of singlish criticise sgem. support singlish stems belief singlish can forge social cohesion , according some, may thing makes singaporean. likewise, celebrity stomp blogger, leow ju len says in blog post:

mean, our tourism slogan uniquely singapore , , more uniquely singaporean singlish? . reasons beauty of singlish fact s wonderfully time- , breath-saving. if need know time, say: time? . gets question across in 3 words. got time say: know time now?

save our singlish campaign

on 27 april 2002, 2 years after start of sgem, talkingcock launched save our singlish campaign. made clear @ speech during launch did not oppose speaking of english. rather, support writing , speaking of english , hoped sgem see save our singlish campaign complementary, not adversarial . talkingcock found important save singlish crucial part of singaporean culture , heritage:

why re fighting singlish, because s part of our culture. in fact, may thing makes uniquely singaporean. mixes various languages, me, seems spread multi-cultural understanding. thought proud of.

furthermore, reiterated singlish not broken english. s patois. argued speaking english should not promoted @ expense of singlish. singapore watch summed speak singlish proudly, speak english properly. colin goh, started talkingcock, pointed out singaporeans can tell difference between english , singlish:

have more faith in singaporeans that. know when use singlish , when not to. intelligent enough know don t write formal letters in singlish. when last time typed out, eh, give me job, leh! , try not speak singlish our foreign friends because instinctively know might not understand. or say, ll catch no ball.

he further acknowledged there times when improper english spoken singaporeans reiterated blame cannot pushed onto singlish:

if singaporeans communication europeans or americans bad, s because speak broken english, not singlish. know can t speak singlish foreigners because ll catch no ball. s common sense. fault isn t singlish, s because english taught badly.

in event held on 24 august 2006, talkingcock in parliament: we, citizens, ruby pan (a former ministry of education scholar , graduate of princeton university) displayed ability switch standard english singlish , different english accents.

speak singlish movement

the speak singlish movement gathers support through facebook page of september 2013 had 252 members though reported in dead link, identically named group had 3,140 members in december 2012. began response launch of sgem 2010, in particular, notion of using post-its correct public signs written in poor english. page ran own post-it campaign, called post-its tak bak chew campaign , inviting supporters send in snapshots of own home-made signs proper singlish.

the original facebook page established on 11 september 2010 following statements:

we not against speak english movement in singapore. believe should right speaking english singlish. tired of people confusing singlish broken english. tired of people pretending speak singlish speaking bad english. tired of people caricaturising singlish speakers uncouth , unintelligent. if don t bother learn subtle rules of natural evolving language, please don t conclude simple, shallow, , useless! singlish full of cultural nuances , wordplay, , pulls best in grammar, syntax, , vocabulary of many languages.

in exclusive interview online citizen, 1 of singapore s key social commentary websites, unnamed founder directly called question dr balakrishnan s appeal sgem.

hiring native english speakers teach

since singapore gained independence in 1965, english taught first language , dominant language in singapore. public schools use english medium of instruction. 1 cannot classify singaporeans native speakers of english because main languages spoken @ home not english. in 2006, education minister tharman shanmugaratnam mentioned during dialogue session @ student education conference ministry looking @ hiring native speakers teach english language in schools in order improve standard of teaching english language in school. following this, many singaporeans wrote in newspapers forums questions such why aren t our english teachers suitably qualified? , wondering if native english speakers meant foreign english-speakers hailing united states or britain.

on 14 june 2006, mrbrown reported in blog ministry of education had put job advertisements in british newspaper guardian experienced, qualified native speakers of english teach english first language, english literature, geography, history, knowledge , inquiry.

subsequently, mrbrown created 2 podcasts on mrbrown show express views. first gave insight happen if implementation of hiring foreign native english speakers teach english became successful. second tells of how imagines interviews native speaker applicants teaching jobs.

in response, jennifer chan, press secretary minister education, wrote in forum letter reply dated 22 june 2006 that:

the criteria selection of foreign teachers remain stringent. besides academic , teaching qualifications, should have proven track record in teaching in countries. individuals may native speakers or persons have learnt el first language

the hiring of small number of foreign teachers complement local teachers in subjects english, mother tongue languages , humanities. formed part of plan bring standard of english languages in schools higher level.

the interference argument

drawing notions of linguistic interference, interference argument justifies need eliminate singlish suggesting confuses , contaminates standard english. suggests inability distinguish grammars of 2 varieties of english cause learners mix features, contaminating grammar of standard version.

however, many singaporeans feel singlish unlikely negatively affect proficiency in standard english. in 2008 study, 41% of singaporean participants felt have command of english. study wee (2005) has shown in general, singaporeans confident in code-switching abilities between singlish , standard english, undermines claims using singlish interferes learning of standard english.


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