Naming Darmstadtium

ceremony conducted @ gsi official naming of darmstadtium on 2 december 2003

using mendeleev s nomenclature unnamed , undiscovered elements, darmstadtium should known eka-platinum. in 1979, iupac published recommendations according element called ununnilium (with corresponding symbol of uun), systematic element name placeholder, until element discovered (and discovery confirmed) , permanent name decided on. although used in chemical community on levels, chemistry classrooms advanced textbooks, recommendations ignored among scientists in field, called element 110 , symbol of e110, (110) or 110.

in 1996, russian team proposed name becquerelium after henri becquerel. american team in 1997 proposed name hahnium after otto hahn (previously name had been used element 105).

the name darmstadtium (ds) suggested gsi team in honor of city of darmstadt, element discovered. gsi team considered naming element wixhausium, after suburb of darmstadt known wixhausen element discovered, decided on darmstadtium. new name officially recommended iupac on august 16, 2003.


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