Synopsis Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

matthew s team acquires ship during second half of game, allowing them visit many inaccessible areas.

the primary group consists of children of heroes original golden sun games, of whom adepts. leader matthew, silent , strong-willed adept, son of isaac , jenna original games. initial companions consist of childhood friends: tyrell, garet s mischievous son, , karis, ivan s daughter. when tyrell accidentally breaks flying machine critical isaac s work, isaac sends son matthew, tyrell, , ivan s daughter karis find rare mountain roc feather required fix it. instructed head nearby konpa ruins meet isaac s mentor kraden , mia s children rief , nowell. however, ambushed 3 mysterious adepts named blados, chalis, , arcanus. group separated; matthew, tyrell, karis, , rief trapped on southern half of continent, opposite of want be, while kraden , nowell stuck in north. seeking reunite latter two, matthew , party enlist of enigmatic prince amiti cross morgal region, home of beastmen.

in morgal, group meets felix s one-time enemy, pirate captain briggs, enlists aid in rescuing son eoleo captivity in morgal capital of belinsk. group guided mountain roc part-beast woman named sveta, refuses attack beast because considered divine in culture. matthew , party steal feather mountain roc, completing original quest. in belinsk, matthew regroups kraden, reveals nowell has remained in company of old friend piers. attempt sneak morgal s castle through underground labyrinth sveta s aid, blados, chalis, , arcanus reappear. group activates alchemy dynamo hidden in ruins, triggering grave eclipse , causing death , suffering across of continent. morgal s king volochek, revealed sveta s older brother, , briggs both sacrifice allow matthew , group escape; in response, eoleo swears revenge father s death , joins matthew s party.

sailing oceans of weyard, matthew s party learns way stop grave eclipse using apollo lens, alchemy machine powered alchemy forge , alchemy well. in order reach apollo lens, must find legendary umbra gear. aid of priestess named himi, able find umbra gear , reach lens. group confronts , slays blados, chalis, , beast companion, chaos hound. matthew , sveta both attempt activate apollo lens, fail. chaos hound, revealed brainwashed , mutated volochek, sacrifices himself activate apollo lens, , grave eclipse ends. @ end of game, matthew, karis, , tyrell part ways friends return home find isaac , garet missing , unusually large psynergy vortex greeting them.


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