Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan 25th Infantry Division (United States)

a sniper 25th infantry division on patrol in mosul, iraq.

the division did not take part in fighting in afghanistan , iraq 2001–2003. however, in 2004, units division deployed iraq take part in combat operations of country. 2d brigade deployed in january 2004 iraq , returned schofield barracks in february of following year. 3d brigade, 25th infantry division began deploying afghanistan in march 2004. first element deploy 2d battalion, 27th infantry regiment ( wolfhounds ). accompanied battery b, 3d battalion, 7th field artillery regiment. wolfhounds operated in volatile paktika province on border pakistan in waziristan region. 25th infantry division redeployed schofield barracks hawaii in april 2005.

army spc. richard burton, crew chief 25th infantry division, provides security in black hawk helicopter during flight mission on afghanistan s kandahar province, 26 nov. 2012.

the 25th infantry division recognized first successful free democratic elections in afghanistan on 9 october 2004. 1 of missions of 25th infantry division track down insurgent taliban , al-qaeda members in mountainous terrain of afghanistan. in july 2005, 4th brigade added 25th infantry division airborne brigade stationed in fort richardson, alaska. deployed in october 2006 in support of operation iraqi freedom. 2d brigade began transformation stryker brigade combat team while 3d brigade began transformation unit of action (ua) in same year. (light) status dropped division name in january 2006. on 15 december 2006 172d infantry brigade reflagged 1st bct, 25th infantry division; concurrently, former 1st bct (stryker) @ fort lewis, washington reflagged 2d cavalry regiment (stryker) , moved vilseck, germany. 2007 through 2009 elements of 25th, including 1/21 gimlets schofield served in iraq in vicinity of baghdad, serving proudly @ great cost.

as of march 2009, 1st bct, 2d bct, , 3d bct deployed iraq in support of operation iraqi freedom while 4th bct deployed afghanistan in support of operation enduring freedom.

in june–august 2009, elements of 25th division participated in operation champion sword.

december 2010 saw division headquarters , headquarters battalion (hhbn) deploy baghdad iraq become last division headquarters in iraq. task force lightning simultaneously advised , assisted iraqi security forces, pursued insurgents, , prepared bases , equipment transfer iraqi authorities. on 18 december 2011 division headquarters completed retrograde, training , security mission , redeployed schofield barracks hawaii.

in april 2011, 25th s 3d brigade combat team assumed control of hostile area of afghanistan, regional command east. few months later 1st brigade deployed rc-south. 4abct followed, deploying in late 2011 12-month deployment. 4th brigade s second deployment afghanistan.

the combat aviation brigade, 25th infantry division in afghanistan, 1 january 2012 1 january 2013. cab operated in several key regions of afghanistan, executing missions ranging air assault air movement, resupply , counterinsurgency operations. cab s company f (pathfinder), 2d battalion, 25th aviation regiment, on ground conducting missions alongside afghan forces. pathfinders conducted air assault missions 2nd afghan national civil order patrol swat cut off export of drugs area , keep weapons coming province. cab flew last mission on 7 january 2013. cab, 3d infantry division took on 25th s mission.

the 3rd bronco brigade began redeployment in january 2012, last main body arriving in hawaii in april. during deployment, soldiers conducted counterinsurgency operations in of deadly provinces in afghanistan, include kunar province, home pech river valley. 4th abct returned october 2012 jber-richardson, concluding 10-month deployment.

on april 7 2017, military.com reported u.s. army announced deployment of approximately 1,500 soldiers 4th brigade combat team afghanistan part of operation freedom s sentinel later in year.


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