Ancient Macedonians Demographic history of Macedonia

the name of region of macedonia (greek: Μακεδονία, makedonia) derives tribal name of ancient macedonians (greek: Μακεδώνες, makedónes). according greek historian herodotus, makednoi (greek: mακεδνοί) dorian tribe stayed behind during great southward migration of dorian greeks (histories 1.56.1). word makednos cognate doric greek word Μάκος Μakos (attic form Μήκος - mékos ), greek length . ancient macedonians took name either because physically tall, or because settled in mountains. latter definition translate macedonian highlander .

expansion of macedon

most academics take view ancient macedonians spoke either language member of north-western greek dialect group (related doric , aeolic), or language closely related greek form graeco-macedonian or hellenic branch; others such eugene borza reach conclusion there insufficient evidence on base conclusion whether original language of macedonians form of greek or not, macedonians of proto-greek stock. controversy on whether macedonians greek or not caused contradictory ancient accounts, due peculiar features of few macedonian words, though words consistent greek (see ancient macedonian language). scholars view pella katadesmos, written in form of doric greek, first discovered macedonian text. vast majority of macedonian names on inscriptions , coinage greek , conform doric greek dialect morphology. in case, universally considered hellenes after reign of alexander great.

before reign of alexander i, father of perdiccas ii, ancient macedonians lived on lands adjacent haliakmon, in far south of modern greek province of macedonia. alexander credited having added macedonia many of lands become part of core macedonian territory: pieria, bottiaia, mygdonia, , eordaia (thuc. 2.99). anthemus, crestonia, , bisaltia seem have been added during reign (thuc. 2.99). of these lands inhabited thracian tribes, , thucydides records how thracians pushed mountains when macedonians acquired lands.

generations after alexander, philip ii of macedon add new lands macedonia, , reduce neighboring powers such illyrians , paeonians, had attacked him when became king, semi-autonomous peoples. in philip s time, macedonians expanded , settled in many of new adjoining territories, , thrace nestus colonized macedonian settlers. strabo testifies bulk of population inhabiting in upper macedonia remained of thraco-illyrian stock. philip s son, alexander great, extended macedonian power on key greek city-states, , campaigns, both local , abroad, make macedonian power supreme greece, persia, egypt, , edge of india.

following period there ware repeated barbaric invasions of balkans celts.


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