Demonstrations and shootings Trisakti shootings

a map of situation @ trisakti campus.

as noon approached, protestors prepared long march people s representative council building (indonesian: gedung dpr/mpr). few hundred metres campus, stopped indonesian national police, in front of west jakarta mayor s office. in response, protestors conducted sit-in, blocking s. parman street. military reinforcements police arrived not long after. @ 15:30 wib, dean of faculty of law adi andojo convinced demonstrators return trisakti campus.

by time, security forces on-site @ time police mobile brigade, 9th cavalry battalion, 203rd infantry battalion, kostrad air defence artillery, 202nd infantry battalion, kodam jaya riot squad , motorised brigade. equipped riot shields, tear gas, steyr augs, , pindad ss-1s.

by 17:00 wib, of demonstrators had returned campus. insults heard coming military , police; not long afterwards, opened fire, causing protestors panic , scatter. 2 students, elang mulya lesmana , hendriawan sie, shot , killed while attempting enter rectorate in dr. syarif thayeb building.

an hour later, students had not taken refuge within university buildings congregated in open central plaza. soldiers perched on nearby rooftops continued shooting, wounding more students , killing two, heri hartanto , hafidin royan. @ 20:00 wib, shootings stopped , wounded rushed nearby hospitals.

at 22:00 wib, adi andojo announced @ press conference broadcast live on campus radio station ms3 fm 4 students had been killed, , released names.

although military has denied using live ammunition, autopsy reports indicated students had been shot live rounds distance.


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