Filmography James Napier Robertson

1 filmography

1.1 film
1.2 television
1.3 stage


ishtar (short, 2002) writer, director, editor
by way of la (short, 2004) writer, director, actor
two cons, 1 key (short, 2005) writer, director
foul play (short, 2007) writer, director, actor.
i m not harry jenson (2009) writer, director
everything loved (2014) co-producer
the dark horse (2014) writer, director


the tribe (1999) tv series .... jay (series 4–5, 2001/02)
being eve (2001) tv series .... jared preston (2001/02)
shortland street (1992) tv series .... glen mcnulty (2001)
mercy peak

light fire (2003).... luke bertram
pride , prejudice (2003).... luke bertram

power rangers ninja storm (2003).... eric mcknight
power rangers dino thunder (2004).... conner mcknight/red dino ranger
go girls (2009) .... mark
romper stomper (2017) .... director, writer


joseph , technicolor dreamcoat andrew lloyd webber (1997) – role: naphtali – milford playhouse
the mikado sir arthur sullivan (1997) – role: mikado – auckland music theatre
the tempest william shakespeare (1997) – role: antonio – shakespeare in park – outdoor amphitheatre, auckland, new zealand
twelfth night william shakespeare (1998) – role: fabian – shakespeare in park – outdoor amphitheatre, auckland, new zealand
a midsummer night s dream william shakespeare (1998) – role: lysander – shakespeare in park – outdoor amphitheatre, auckland, new zealand
romeo , juliet william shakespeare (1999) – role: benvolio – summer shakespeare - shoreside theatre
much ado nothing william shakespeare (2000) – role: claudio – summer shakespeare - shoreside theatre
julius caesar william shakespeare (2001) – role: gaius octavian – shakespeare in park – outdoor amphitheatre, auckland, new zealand

^ film editor in, auckland,new zealand, ,avid , fcp . film editor in, auckland,new zealand, ,avid , fcp. 
^ james napier robertson . nz on screen. nz on screen. retrieved 16 june 2014. 


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