Greece Jewellery

gold earring mycenae, 16th century bc.

gold wreath

the greeks started using gold , gems in jewellery in 1600 bc, although beads shaped shells , animals produced in earlier times. around 1500 bc, main techniques of working gold in greece included casting, twisting bars, , making wire. many of these sophisticated techniques popular in mycenaean period, unfortunately skill lost @ end of bronze age. forms , shapes of jewellery in ancient greece such armring (13th century bc), brooch (10th century bc) , pins (7th century bc), have varied since bronze age well. other forms of jewellery include wreaths, earrings, necklace , bracelets. example of high quality gold working techniques achieve in greece ‘gold olive wreath’ (4th century bc), modeled on type of wreath given prize winners in athletic competitions olympic games. jewellery dating 600 475 bc not represented in archaeological record, after persian wars quantity of jewellery again became more plentiful. 1 particularly popular type of design @ time bracelet decorated snake , animal-heads because these bracelets used considerably more metal, many examples made bronze. 300 bc, greeks had mastered making coloured jewellery , using amethysts, pearl, , emeralds. also, first signs of cameos appeared, greeks creating them indian sardonyx, striped brown pink , cream agate stone. greek jewellery simpler in other cultures, simple designs , workmanship. however, time progressed, designs grew in complexity , different materials used.

pendant naked woman, made electrum, rhodes, around 630–620 bc.

jewellery in greece hardly worn , used public appearances or on special occasions. given gift , predominantly worn women show wealth, social status, , beauty. jewellery supposed give wearer protection evil eye or endowed owner supernatural powers, while others had religious symbolism. older pieces of jewellery have been found dedicated gods.

ancient greek jewellery 300 bc.

they worked 2 styles of pieces: cast pieces , pieces hammered out of sheet metal. fewer pieces of cast jewellery have been recovered. made casting metal onto 2 stone or clay moulds. 2 halves joined together, , wax, followed molten metal, placed in centre. technique had been practised since late bronze age. more common form of jewellery hammered sheet type. sheets of metal hammered thickness , soldered together. inside of 2 sheets filled wax or liquid preserve metal work. different techniques, such using stamp or engraving, used create motifs on jewellery. jewels may added hollows or glass poured special cavities on surface. greeks took of designs outer origins, such asia, when alexander great conquered part of it. in earlier designs, other european influences can detected. when roman rule came greece, no change in jewellery designs detected. however, 27 bc, greek designs heavily influenced roman culture. not indigenous design did not thrive. numerous polychrome butterfly pendants on silver foxtail chains, dating 1st century, have been found near olbia, 1 example ever found anywhere else.

these hellenistic bracelets 1st century bc show influence of eastern cultures. walters art museum, baltimore.

hexagonal gold pendant double solidus of constantine great, 1 of set of 4 date 321 ad (british museum)


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