Overview United States pro-life movement

the anti-abortion movement includes variety of organizations, no single centralized decision-making body. there diverse arguments , rationales anti-abortion stance.

there many socially conservative organizations in u.s. support anti-abortion movement. groups focus solely on promoting anti-abortion cause, such american life league, susan b. anthony list, national right life committee, americans united life, , live action, among many others. other groups support not anti-abortion cause broader family values cause, such family research council, focus on family, american family association, , concerned women america, among many others.

anti-abortion individuals believe human life should valued either fertilization or implantation until natural death. contemporary anti-abortion movement typically, not exclusively, influenced conservative christian beliefs, in united states, , has influenced strains of bioethical utilitarianism. viewpoint, action destroys embryo or fetus kills person. deliberate destruction of human life considered ethically or morally wrong , not considered mitigated benefits others, such benefits coming @ expense of life of believe person. in cases, belief extends opposing abortion of fetuses expire within short time after birth, such anencephalic fetuses.

some anti-abortion advocates oppose forms of birth control, particularly hormonal contraception such emergency contraception (ecps), , copper iuds prevent implantation of embryo. because believe term pregnancy should defined begin @ fertilization, refer these contraceptives abortifacients because cause embryo starve. embryo gets nourishment off uterine wall , dies if not attached. catholic church endorses view, possibility hormonal contraception has post-fertilization effects disputed within scientific community, including anti-abortion physicians.

attachment anti-abortion position not exclusively connected religious beliefs sanctity of life (see culture of life). exclusively secular-humanist positions against abortion tend minority viewpoint among anti-abortion advocates; these groups (such secular pro-life) position based on human rights , biology, rather religion. many holding anti-abortion position tend toward complementarian view of gender roles, though there self-described feminist element inside movement.


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