Pacific War 25th Infantry Division (United States)

u.s. army soldiers push supplies matanikau river support 25th infantry division s offensive on guadalcanal in january 1943.

after japanese air attack on schofield barracks, 7 december 1941, 25th infantry division moved beach positions defense of honolulu , ewa point. following intensive training, 25th began moving guadalcanal, 25 november 1942, relieve marines near henderson field. first elements landed near tenaru river, 17 december 1942, , entered combat, 10 january 1943, participating in seizure of kokumbona , reduction of mount austen pocket in of bitterest fighting of pacific campaign. threat of large enemy attacks caused temporary withdrawal, division elements under xiv corps control relieved 147th infantry , took on advance on cape esperance. junction of these elements americal division forces near cape, 5 february 1943, ended organized enemy resistance.

a period of garrison duty followed, ending 21 july: on date, advance elements debarked on munda, new georgia. 25th infantry, under northern landing force, took part in capture of vella lavella, 15 august 15 september 1943. meanwhile, other elements landed on new georgia, took zieta, marched through jungle mud 19 days, , captured bairoko harbor, winning island. elements cleared arundel island, 24 september 1943, , kolombangara island important vila airport, 6 october. organized resistance on new georgia ended, 25 august, , division moved new zealand rest , training, last elements arriving on 5 december. 25th transferred new caledonia, 3 february-14 march 1944, continued training.

the division landed in san fabian area of luzon on 11 january 1945 enter struggle liberation of philippines. drove across luzon central plain, meeting enemy @ binalonan, 17 january. moving through rice paddies, 25th occupied umingan, lupao, , san jose , destroyed great part of japanese armor on luzon. on 21 february, division began operations in caraballo mountains. fought way along highway no. 5, taking digdig, putlan, , kapintalan against fierce enemy counterattacks , took balete pass, 13 may, , opened gateway cagayan valley, 27 may, capture of santa fe. until 30 june, when division relieved, carried out mopping-up activities. on 1 july, division moved tarlac training, leaving japan, 20 september.


total battle casualties: 5,432

killed in action: 1,235

wounded in action: 4,190

missing in action: 5

prisoner of war: 2

the division s rapid movements during campaigns led adoption of nickname tropic lightning . remained on occupation duty in japan next 5 years.


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