Types of image Geograph Ireland

typical rural geograph image (by kieran campbell)

typical urban geograph image (by alex p. knapp)

typical wildlife geograph image (by graham horn)

geograph images classified site moderators as:

geograph – image usefully illustrates or characterises area in taken;
supplemental – image adds useful information square not meet requirements of geograph; includes close-ups, interior, underground , aerial shots, , shots taken outside grid square;
rejected – image not meet requirements of geograph project; these retained system not visible other owner , moderators.

there special classification of image known first geograph – first image uploaded of particular grid square meets requirements geograph; status assigned automatically system , not moderators. new system of points contributors can gain second, third , fourth points has been introduced. similar first point system, time contributor gain point depending on how many other geographers have submitted square. example, square 1 image 1 contributor have second, third , fourth points grabs. same apply if first contributor has submitted 100 images in square. date photo taken makes no difference points system. next person submit geograph gain second visit point. third person submit third , on. introduced feedback members need fill squares few images.

some of common themes geograph photos include:

physical landscape
human land use
built environment
social interaction
flora , fauna
local history

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