History HEC Paris

château of hec @ jouy-en-josas.

most business schools created decades later, @ end of 19th century, , less attractive universities. established in 1881 paris chamber of commerce (ccip), École des hautes Études commerciales (hec) wanted in fields of management , trade centrale paris in field of engineering. in order gain recognition academic world, school offered lessons similar taught in secondary education , few classes in management.

in 1921, school introduced case-based method of harvard business school, of lectures remained theoretical. in 1938, hec program lengthened 3 years.

due french corporations demand north american style management education, @ end of 1950s case-based method generalized , one-year classe preparatoire created prepare entrance examination had become difficult. evidence of recognition of diploma 9% of hec students attended university in 1959, whereas 47% had done in 1929.

hec paris campus.

in 1964, french president charles de gaulle inaugurated new 250-acre (1.0 km) wooded campus in jouy-en-josas. in 1967, hec launched executive education programs. women have been accepted @ hec since 1973. 27 girls accepted year , hec jeunes filles (hecjf), school dedicated women, disappeared. alumni officially considered graduated hec. hecjf alumni include, example, Édith cresson, first , date woman have held office of prime minister of france.

during 1970s, hec signed partnership new york university , london school of economics in 1973, , has recruited foreign students since 1975. in 1988, hec founded cems network esade, bocconi university , cologne university.

in 2015, school adopt new legal status allow private investors join board.


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