Plot The Dragon Jousters series

1 plot

1.1 joust
1.2 alta
1.3 sanctuary
1.4 aerie


joust follows story of young boy named vetch. altan, , serf: lower slave tied land work on under master. tian master, khefti fat, quite cruel, , vetch last member of family on land, taking of khefti s beatings. vetch s luck changes when ari, 1 of tian dragon jousters, appears 1 day , takes him dragon-boy kashet, dragon ari raised since hatching (and unique in jousters ranks).

life in dragon jousters compound proves more pleasant slaving away in fields, vetch s relationship dragon jousters tolerating @ best, (though likes dragons,) sees them symbol of tian power killed father , put rest of family serfdom. 1 exception ari, whom vetch respects , grows liking.

among myriad of other challenges happen @ compound, vetch gets hands on dragon egg of own, raises hatching in secret, calling female avatre. novel culminates , avatre escaping compound air, caught ari , kashet. ari, though, has grown liking vetch, , convinces other tian dragon jousters vetch died in chase, helps vetch nomadic people, known bedu, him complete escape alta. revealed that, in atlan tradition, vetch has 2 names, 1 use during childhood , 1 adulthood, real name. novel closes, takes on real name, kiron, , flies on avatre toward alta.


alta begins kiron , avatre transition nomad lands alta. not far inside altan border, 2 of them save girl 1 of dangerous water horses (presumably hippo). girl aket-ten, daughter of altan noble lord ya-tiren; has magic abilities, including ability speak telepathically animals.

lord ya-tiren , rest of aket-ten s family take kiron in temporarily him adjust life in city of alta, central hub of alta, large city built on 7 earthen rings separated canals. kiron , avatre accepted ranks of altan dragon jousters, , kiron gets start own wing of jousters raise dragons hatching, new concept jousters. wing of 8 other boys includes aket-ten s brother , 1 of heirs altan throne.

kiron s group of friends (his wing, aket-ten, , others) surmise (correctly) powerful altan magi exercising more , more control on country, detriment of citizens. aket-ten 1 of first people targeted, due magic abilities, , later heir in kiron s wing murdered when tries speak leading aket-ten joining wing. first step in unsure plan remove magi power, group decides must leave alta , remove jousters both armies.

after assuring tala in both tia , alta fail control dragons not raised hatching, fly first battle altan jousters. no tala, other dragons on both sides refuse obey riders, leaving air battle between ari , kiron s wing. ari dislodged kashet, , survives trick kiron had dragons in wing learn based on had seen kashet while still dragon-boy in tia. on ground , away armies fighting, kiron s wing, along friends , members of bedu, convince ari join them in new city apart both tia , alta, desert legend call sanctuary.


sanctuary follows inhabitants of sanctuary try make city functional possible, having deal battling harsh elements of desert, growing ranks of new dragon jousters, , sustaining city refugees both alta , tia trickle in.

much of first half of novel follows kiron tries find place societal structure of sanctuary, , relationship aket-ten (and family).

eventually, jousters of sanctuary run 1 rescue mission in alta when new refugees tell of worsening situations there, coordinated of members of aket-ten s extended family still there. failure of second rescue mission sends plot toward climax, jousters of sanctuary, tian army, , altan magi meet on city of alta.


aerie follows inhabitants of combined altan , tian nation. jousters have discovered hidden city (based on lost city of petra) , find uniquely suited needs of dragons , riders.

after moving newly found city, name aerie, jousters of new country must find purpose. @ first purpose securing of trade routes through desert. changes when out on patrol kiron found dead body coming in out of desert.

as priests of alta , tia search information concerning mysterious body uncover truth old enemy, heyskin, creators of magi.

with information , tools given gods people of alta , tia fight , defeat heyskin , blood-born god of heyskin.

after battle land united under new name: altia.


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