Early life and career Helen Dragas

1 life , career

1.1 education
1.2 dragas companies
1.3 other positions

early life , career

dragas attended university of virginia , graduated b.a. in economics , foreign affairs in 1984. graduated darden graduate school of business administration in 1988. 1990s dragas had become president of tidewater mortgage bankers association.

the dragas companies

the dragas companies southeastern virginia real estate development , building company founded dragas father , uncle, george , mark dragas, in 1968. helen dragas’ first job, teenager, interviewing customers @ family s company purchases. helen dragas named president , ceo of dragas companies in 1996 , has remained in position since. under tenure, company has received numerous local awards, , 3 national awards: lee evans award building management excellence in 1999, , 2009 lee evans award management excellence in 2009, , best builders award builder magazine, in 2009. region s largest homebuilder, focus of improving upon quality of low-price homes in area.

in 2007 dragas companies donated $1.5 million cities of virginia beach, norfolk , chesapeake use in dealing homelessness , improving education children in poverty. in 2009 dragas companies spent on $5 million voluntarily remediate chinese drywall installed subcontractor in on 70 homes without dragas knowledge. helen dragas named virginia beach s 2009 first citizen. featured virginian-pilot in 2010 article successful female homebuilders , achievements in workplace.

in 2014, dragas earned top-15 spot in inside business–hampton roads business journal’s power list of people shape , influence region of on 1.6 million people. editor noted dragas’ tenacity , called apply leadership in helping community combat challenges of economic growth, education, , workforce development.

other positions

dragas has served on virginia state transportation board, makes decisions on state spending , transportation strategy. dragas has served director of utility corporation dominion resources since 2010, , has served on audit committee. appointed virginia state council of higher education , commonwealth transportation board former governor mark warner.


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