Physiological process Chest voice

vocal fold, scheme

glottal cycle, chest voice

this view understands chest voice vocal register used within normal speech. discovered via stroboscope during ordinary phonation, or speaking in man vocal folds contact each other during each vibration closing gap between them fully, if small length of time. closure cuts off escaping air. when air pressure in trachea rises result of closure, folds blown apart, while vocal processes of arytenoid cartilages remain in apposition. creates oval shaped gap between folds , air escapes, lowering pressure inside trachea. rhythmic repetition of movement number of times second creates pitched note. how chest voice created.

vocal resonance understanding

this view believes chest voice product not of vocal registration vocal resonation. opinions within understanding vary. although pedagogists believe chest effective resonator, agree chest voice resonates in head while creating vibratory sensations in chest. tarneaud says,

during singing, vibration of vocal folds impresses periodic shakes on laryngeal cartilage transmits them bones in thorax via laryngeal depressors, , bony structures in head via laryngeal elevators. singers feel these shakes in form of thoracic , facial vibrations .

these internal phonatory sensations produced laryngeal vibrations called resonance singers , teachers of singing.

during singing in lower register, larynx lowered since muscles connect rib cage tensed whereas muscles above larynx not tensed. consequently, large proportion of vibratory energy transmitted thoracic area, giving singers impression voice resonating in chest. impression false. chest virtue of design , location can make no significant contribution resonance system of voice. chest on wrong side of vocal folds , there nothing in design of lungs serve reflect sound waves toward larynx.


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