Work Ulisse Dini

monument ulisse dini in pisa

research activity

thus, year 1877, or 7 years time began, published treatise, since famous, entitled foundations theory of functions of real variables (fondamenti per la teoria delle funzioni di variabili reali). of dini here sets forth concerning such topics continuous , discontinuous functions, derivative , conditions existence, series, definite integrals, properties of incremental ratio, etc., entirely original himself , has since come regarded everywhere basal in real variable theory.

nell analisi del xx secolo ha avuto innanzitutto ampio sviluppo la teoria delle funzioni di variabili reali (inaugurata nel 1878 da un libro del dini) in relazione alle operazioni classiche del calcolo.

dini worked in field of mathematical analysis during time when begun based on rigorous foundations. in addition books, wrote sixty papers.

he proved dini criterion convergence of fourier series , investigated potential theory , differential geometry of surfaces, based on work eugenio beltrami.

his work on theory of real functions important in development of concept of measure on set.

lezioni di analisi infinitesimale, 1878

the implicit function theorem known in italy dini s theorem.

teaching activity

one of students luigi bianchi.


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