1970-Present Day Steamship

rms mauretania, built in 1906, , sister rms lusitania, 1 of first ocean liners adopt steam turbine , followed subsequent liners.

most steamships today powered steam turbines. after demonstration british engineer charles parsons of steam turbine-driven yacht, turbinia, in 1897, use of steam turbines propulsion spread. cunard rms mauretania, built in 1906 1 of first ocean liners use steam turbine (with late design change shortly before keel laid down) , followed subsequent liners.

most capital ships of major navies propelled steam turbines burning bunker fuel in both world wars. large naval vessels , submarines continue operated steam turbines, using nuclear reactors boil water. ns savannah, first nuclear-powered cargo-passenger ship, , built in late 1950s demonstration project potential use of nuclear energy.

thousands of liberty ships (powered steam piston engines) , victory ships (powered steam turbine engines) built in world war ii. few of these survive floating museums , sail occasionally: ss jeremiah o brien, ss john w. brown, ss american victory, ss lane victory, , ss red oak victory.

a steam turbine ship can either direct propulsion (the turbines, equipped reduction gear, rotate directly propellers), or turboelectric (the turbines rotate electric generators, in turn feed electric motors operating propellers).

while steam turbine-driven merchant ships such algol-class cargo ships (1972–1973), alp pacesetter-class container ships (1973–1974) , large crude carriers built until 1970s, use of steam marine propulsion in commercial market has declined dramatically due development of more efficient diesel engines. 1 notable exception lng carriers use boil-off gas cargo tanks fuel. however, there development of dual-fuel engines has pushed steam turbines niche market 10% market share in newbuildings in 2013. lately, there has been development in hybrid power plants steam turbine used gas engines. of august 2017 newest class of steam turbine ships seri camellia-class lng carriers built hyundai heavy industries (hhi) starting in 2016 , comprising 5 units.

nuclear powered ships steam turbine vessels. boiler heated, not heat of combustion, heat generated nuclear reactor. atomic-powered ships today either aircraft carriers or submarines.


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