Deck archetypes Magic: The Gathering deck types

1 deck archetypes

1.1 aggro
1.2 control
1.3 combo
1.4 midrange

deck archetypes

most classifications of decks begin 1 of 4 major strategies: aggro, control, combo , midrange..


aggro (short aggressive ) decks attempt reduce opponents 20 life 0 life possible, rather emphasize long-term game plan. aggro decks focus on converting cards damage; prefer engage in race tempo rather card advantage-based attrition war. aggro relies upon creatures accumulative source of damage. aggro decks can overwhelm unprepared opponents , proceed eke out last bit of damage need end game. aggro decks have access disruptive elements, can inhibit opponent s attempts respond.

example cards: savannah lions, bitterblossom, lightning bolt, rogue elephant, incinerate
example decks:

white weenie, uses small, efficient creatures such savannah lions, icatian javelineers, , mother of runes
affinity, uses affinity mechanic , large numbers of artifacts play spells such thoughtcast , frogmite, while efficiently dealing damage using disciple of vault , arcbound ravager.
zoo, uses low-cost, high power creatures such tarmogoyf , wild nacatl kill opponent quickly.
sligh, utilizes mana efficiently possible kill opponent quickly, using low-cost cards such jackal pup , lightning bolt.
suicide black, uses efficient dangerous cards cost life such thoughtseize, dark confidant, grim tutor, , bitterblossom. suicide black epitomizes black s philosophy—win @ costs—and treats life total expendable resource.


control decks avoid racing , attempt slow game down executing attrition plan. game progresses, control decks able take advantage of slower, more powerful, cards. primary strength of control decks ability devalue opponent’s cards. in 4 ways:

example cards: force of will, duress, wrath of god, pernicious deed, void
example decks:

tezzeret control, controls game using counterspells such mana drain, builds card advantage cards such dark confidant, , ends game using tezzeret seeker find time vault , activate infinite turns.
mono blue control, uses heavy suite of counterspells alongside card-drawing such thirst knowledge, removal such echoing truth, , win condition such tezzeret seeker. class of deck nicknamed draw-go, because of players spells instants designed played during or opponents turns.
blue-white control, similar mono-blue control, features more board-control cards such wrath of god, , pacifism.
psychatog, supplemented card-drawing fact or fiction , number of disruptive spells.
astral slide, uses large numbers of cards cycling, including added benefits such eternal dragon , slice , dice, power astral slide , lightning rift.
mono-black control, uses removal spells such innocent blood , barter in blood control board, , cabal coffers kill opponent spells such consume spirit. can use cards underworld dreams put opponent on timer.
the deck, uses card drawing such fact or fiction , deck searching cards such demonic tutor find powerful cards highly effective against particular strategies (such abyss, diabolic edict, , balance), alongside blue base of counterspells control game , obtain insurmountable lead.


combo decks use interaction of 2 or more cards (a combination ) create powerful effect either wins game or creates situation subsequently leads win. combo decks value power, consistency, , speed: combo should strong enough win, deck should reliable enough produce combo on regular basis, , deck should able use combo fast enough win before opponent.

many decks have smaller, combo-like interactions between cards, better described synergy.

example cards: flash, tendrils of agony, empty warrens, aluren, painter s servant.
example decks:

the perfect storm, utilizes dark ritual , artifact mana draw cards , fuel lethal tendrils of agony, while disrupting opponent duress , force of will.
painter combo, uses painter s servant , chooses blue permit red elemental blast destroy permanent or counter spell, while allowing grindstone put opponent s entire library graveyard.
worldgorger dragon combo, revolves around infinite loop triggered when worldgorger dragon animated graveyard using enchantment such animate dead. loop generates mana , card drawing used end game.
belcher combo, uses free , efficient mana acceleration play , activate goblin charbelcher, preferably on first turn. because deck has 2 or fewer lands, 1 activation of goblin charbelcher kill opponent.
hulk-flash, dedicated casting flash , putting protean hulk play , graveyard, allowing player find combination of creatures kill opponent instantly. summoner s pact , merchant scroll used find combo pieces, while force of , pact of negation protect combo.
steel city vault, uses draw 7 spells such timetwister rapidly assemble time vault-voltaic key combo infinite turns. deck uses several cards such force of , ancient grudge efficiently deal null rod, effective answer vault-key combo.
hexmage depths, uses vampire hexmage inexpensively remove counters dark depths , put flying, indestructible 20/20 creature token play first turn.


a typical midrange deck has game plan of mana ramp , control, begins play threats once reaches 4 6 mana. midrange deck seek play reactive, attrition-based game against aggro decks , more proactive, tempo-based game against control decks. colloquially, referred going bigger aggro , getting in under control.

example cards: huntmaster of fells thragtusk, sakura-tribe elder
example decks:

jund midrange, used farseek out huntmaster of fells , olivia voldaren on turn 3, , overwhelm opponent them.
naya midrange, similar jund, has access loxodon smiter , other cards in white.
jeskai midrange (uwr), has more control elements, using sphinx s revelation draw large number of cards , assemble legion end swarming board tokens.
temur emerge (gur), leverages emerge mechanic introduced in eldritch moon efficiently use ramp creatures such pilgrim s eye , primal druid land-smoothing abilities while sacrificing them emerge board-stalling threats such elder deep-fiend turn 4, filling graveyard make emrakul, promised end playable on turn 7.

^ next level deckbuilding sneak peek: sixteen archetypes of magic patrick chapin
^ playing against aggro jeff cunningham
^ arcane teachings - project hollywood tom lapille
^ deconstructing constructed: processing process josh silvestri
^ first aggro deck billy moreno
^ ve got beatdown mark rosewater
^ cite error: named reference aggro, combo, , control invoked never defined (see page).
^ playing white weenie in vintage pedro godinho
^ daffinitive affinity guide mark young
^ return of wild nacatl luis scott-vargas
^ famous red decks in magic history alex shvartsman
^ vintage on budget: suicide black 2k9 stephen menendian
^ playing against control jeff cunningham
^ first control deck ben rubin
^ anatomy of vintage tezzeret stephen menendian
^ chicago-style u/w control zvi mowshowitz
^ giant-sized regionals primer: psychatog mike flores
^ astral slide in new standard gabe walls
^ power of dark side ferrett
^ can play type #17: control player s bible, part oscar tan
^ perfect storm stephen menendian
^ jack kitchen s painter scg premier iq -baltimore shuhei nakamura
^ 2010 guide vintage stephen menendian
^ ultimate vintage primer stephen menendian
^ steel city vault deck unleashed brian demars
^ busting cthulhu out of dark depths doug linn
^ midrange archetype ken nagle
^ deck of day – temur emerge deck guide eric froehlich,


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