Republic of Macedonia Demographic history of Macedonia

republic of macedonia.

the republic of macedonia officially celebrates 1991 regard referendum endorsing independence yugoslavia, albeit legalizing participation in future union of former states of yugoslavia . macedonian slavs of republic of macedonia have demonstrated without exception strong , aggressive @ times macedonian consciousness. ties bulgarians have been denounced. during period has been claimed macedonian scholars there exist large , oppressed ethnic macedonian minorities in region of macedonia, located in neighboring states. because of claims, irredentist proposals being made calling expansion of borders of republic of macedonia encompass territories allegedly populated ethnic macedonians. population of neighboring regions presented subdued propaganda of governments of neighbouring countries, , in need incorporation united macedonia. supporters of these ideas, called macedonists ignore censuses conducted in albania, bulgaria , greece, show minimal presence of ethnic macedonians. consider censuses flawed, without presenting evidence in support, , accusing governments of neighboring countries of continued propaganda. time republic of macedonia proclaimed independence continued bulgaria few. 3,000 - 4,000 people stuck bulgarian identity met great hostility among authorities , rest of population. occasional trials against bulgarophiles have continued until today. constitutional court of republic of macedonia banned organization of bulgarians in republic of macedonia-radko promoting racial , religious hate , intolerance . in 2009 european court of human rights in strasbourg, condemned republic of macedonia because of violations of european convention of human rights in case. nevertheless, during last few years, rising economic prosperity , eu membership of bulgaria has seen around 60,000 macedonians applying bulgarian citizenship; in order obtain must sign statement declaring bulgarians origin. prominent macedonian applied , granted bulgarian citizenship former prime minister ljubčo georgievski. estimated 500 macedonians receive bulgarian citizenship every week. aggregates 50,000 macedonian nationals have received bulgarian citizenship in past 20 years. bulgarian governments justify policy because regard macedonians ethnopolitically disoriented bulgarians.


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