Twinning Allauch

allauch has twinning associations with:

vaterstetten (germany) since 1982. bavarian town near munich: twice year twinning committee exchanges guests matching german hosts , provides accommodation allaudienne families during visits region , events 2 communities meet. each year on last saturday of august beer festival hosted orchestra , bavarian dance evening in can sing, dance , enjoy sauerkraut. feast of saint nicolas aimed @ young people. in july trip organized vaterstetten allaudiens christmas market in town sell provençal products.
vico equense (italy) since 2004. near naples: throughout year bella italia organizes events italian community in allauch such italian evenings (dinner dance live music , italian singer), bingo, trips (ventimiglia, south of italy etc.)
affula (israel) since 1995.

^ national commission decentralised cooperation (in french)


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