Initial steps toward a 2008 Senate campaign Tom Davis (Virginia politician)

on september 15, 2007, davis told wtop s politics program running senate seat being vacated john warner. said has been assembling money , staff contest, delaying formal announcement until november. had been presumed face former governor jim gilmore. however, davis announced in october 2007 not running after all, in part due state republican party s decision choose nominee @ nominating convention rather in primary.

davis argued primary expose candidates kind of environment face in november. thought primary have favored davis due popularity in voter-rich northern virginia. in contrast, delegates @ nominating convention made of party activists; state s republican activist base tilted heavily right. gilmore had argued convention, claiming primary leave winner short of cash. no small consideration. race democratic nomination ended when former governor mark warner announced candidacy; warner has ability self-finance due considerable fortune.

davis told national press club in 2007 considering later mounting challenge virginia s other senator, jim webb, in 2012.


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