Specific sources of inaccuracy Pre- and post-test probability

1 specific sources of inaccuracy

1.1 interference test
1.2 overlap of tests
1.3 methods overcome inaccuracy

specific sources of inaccuracy

specific sources of inaccuracy when using likelihood ratio determine post-test probability include interference determinants or previous tests or overlap of test targets, explained below:

interference test

post-test probability, estimated pre-test probability likelihood ratio, should handled caution in individuals other determinants (such risk factors) general population, in individuals have undergone previous tests, because such determinants or tests may influence test in unpredictive ways, still causing inaccurate results. example risk factor of obesity additional abdominal fat can make difficult palpate abdominal organs , decrease resolution of abdominal ultrasonography, , similarly, remnant barium contrast previous radiography can interfere subsequent abdominal examinations, in effect decreasing sensitivities , specificities of such subsequent tests. on other hand, effect of interference can potentially improve efficacy of subsequent tests compared usage in reference group, such abdominal examinations being easier when performed on underweight people.

overlap of tests

furthermore, validity of calculations upon pre-test probability derived previous test depend on 2 tests not overlap in regard target parameter being tested, such blood tests of substances belonging 1 , same deranged metabolic pathway. example of extreme of such overlap sensitivity , specificity has been established blood test detecting substance x , , likewise 1 detecting substance y . if, in fact, substance x , substance y 1 , same substance, then, making 2 consecutive tests of 1 , same substance may not have diagnostic value @ all, although calculation appears show difference. in contrast interference described above, increasing overlap of tests decreases efficacy. in medical setting, diagnostic validity increased combining tests of different modalities avoid substantial overlap, example in making combination of blood test, biopsy , radiograph.

methods overcome inaccuracy

to avoid such sources of inaccuracy using likelihood ratios, optimal method gather large reference group of equivalent individuals, in order establish separate predictive values use of test in such individuals. however, more knowledge of individual s medical history, physical examination , previous test etc. individual becomes more differentiated, increasing difficulty find reference group establish tailored predictive values, making estimation of post-test probability predictive values invalid.

another method overcome such inaccuracies evaluating test result in context of diagnostic criteria, described in next section.


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