The Stoic prince, 146–161 Early life and career of Marcus Aurelius

portrait of marcus aurelius young man, antonine period (138-192 ad), area of san teodoro on palatine hill, palatine museum, rome

fronto had warned marcus against study of philosophy on: better never have touched teaching of philosophy...than have tasted superficially, edge of lips, saying . disdained philosophy , philosophers, , looked down on marcus sessions apollonius of chalcedon , others in circle. fronto put uncharitable interpretation of marcus conversion philosophy : in fashion of young, tired of boring work , marcus had turned philosophy escape constant exercises of oratorical training. marcus kept in close touch fronto, ignore scruples.

apollonius may have introduced marcus stoic philosophy, quintus junius rusticus have strongest influence on boy. man fronto recognized having wooed marcus away oratory. twenty years older marcus, older fronto. grandson of arulenus rusticus, 1 of martyrs tyranny of domitian (r. 81–96), heir tradition of stoic opposition bad emperors of first century; true successor of seneca (as opposed fronto, false one). marcus tribute him in meditations points move away oratorical training of fronto. rusticus teaching him not led astray enthusiasm rhetoric, writing on speculative themes, discoursing on moralizing avoid oratory, poetry, , fine writing .

claudius severus, friend, greek family of paphlagonia, gave marcus understanding of these philosophers stood for. severus not stoic, peripatetic (an aristotlean); strength of influence illustrates breadth of marcus philosophical horizons. marcus 3 other friends influence: claudius maximus, sextus of chaeronea, , cinna catulus. maximus 1 of marcus 3 significant friends, alongside apollonius , rusticus. taught marcus mastery of self , cheerful in circumstances . unlike marcus other friends, sextus professional philosopher, devoted teaching philosophy. marcus continued attend lectures after becoming emperor, scandalizing polite classes of rome. catulus totally unknown outside marcus brief words of praise in meditations , notice in historia augusta; edward champlin reckons him senator.

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