3200-series Chicago "L" rolling stock

3200-series cars.

the 3200-series cars (numbered 3201–3457) manufactured morrison-knudsen of hornell, new york , first delivered cta in 1992. original order 256 cars used opening of orange line, needed new cars when opened in october 1993. order completed in 1994.

the 3200-series contains many innovations on previous 2600-series. computers control of cab functions , simplify operation motorman. diagnostics easier perform on series on previous series. in addition, fluted steel siding included on these cars first time since 2200-series, in order reduce graffiti. series introduced hopper windows use in case of air conditioner failure.

cars #3441-3456 equipped pantographs use on yellow line, due use of overhead catenary between skokie shops , dempster street. pantographs on 3451-3456 removed in late 1990s when reassigned supplement brown line, while rest lost pantographs when yellow line converted third rail power in 2004.

car 3457 additional car built purpose of serving mate 2600-series car 3032, after mate 3031 had been damaged derailment @ wilson station on march 15, 1988. 3032 renumbered 3458.

the 3200-series cars assigned orange , brown lines, composing entire fleet of brown line , majority of orange line fleet. @ various points during service life small number assigned yellow , purple lines.

a mid-life overhaul underway on 3200-series cars. plans include replacing cars rollsigns led destination signs similar on 5000-series, replacing air conditioning systems , rebuilding propulsion system, passenger door motors, , wheel , axle assemblies.

the 3200-series cars replaced future 7000-series cars in 2020s if options picked up, if options not picked up, 3200-series cars remain in service until 2030s.


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