Appearances Urdnot Wrex

1 appearances

1.1 mass effect
1.2 mass effect 2
1.3 mass effect 3
1.4 mass effect: foundation

mass effect

wrex makes debut appearance in 2007 s mass effect. bounty hunter, wrex hired shadow broker assassinate fist, former agent had defected rogue council spectre, saren. wrex first seen trying intimidate way through chora s den, fist based, unsuccessful. later, commander shepard meets wrex, looking fist well. wrex agrees join shepard, since share common goal. when fist found, after tells them sent quarian had information on saren meet agents of shadow broker, going kill her, wrex fulfills contract killing fist. after brief reprimand shepard, invite wrex join team, accepts, , spends time in cargo bay of normandy. in conversations shepard, wrex talks how used battlemaster , holds him in high regard in krogan military, constant wars between clans of krogan homeworld, tuchanka, brought forth genophage, caused him leave, final straw being wrex s own father tried kill him. wrex reveals hired saren before, during mission him, wrex felt uneasy saren , left. wrex s uneasiness saren proved accurate, else saren had hired mission ended dead.

during mission on virmire, salarian major kirrahe tells shepard saren has created cloning facility, meant try cure krogan genophage, bioweapon created salarians alter krogan fertility rates, keep krogan populations in check. when kirrahe talks of destroying facility, wrex vehemently protests. shepard confronts wrex, trying reason him facility needed destroyed. causes wrex draw gun on shepard. @ point, based on player s choices, shepard can either convince wrex krogan clones slaves saren s army—which wrex agree with, , stand down—or wrex refuse fall in line, , either shepard or ashley williams forced kill him.

mass effect 2

the character returns in 2010 s mass effect 2, though not available squadmate. if player imports mass effect save wrex recruited , still alive, appear on krogan homeworld of tuchanka , greet shepard warmly on arrival. reveal united many krogan clans under clan urdnot, , instigating reforms leader prevent krogan s eventual destruction. should player perform grunt s loyalty mission, involves letting grunt join clan urdnot, shepard talk wrex , must grunt on rite of passage . in mordin s loyalty mission, point shepard scout continue it. alternatively, if player imports save wrex died or not recruited, more bloodthirsty traditionalist brother wreav appear in stead.

mass effect 3

if save wrex alive , recruited imported again, wrex appear in trilogy s third game. appear leader of krogan, , appears part of questline cure genophage. in citadel downloadable content, becomes party member dlc s duration.

mass effect: foundation

wrex appears in second foundation issue.


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