Behavioral addiction Addiction
the term behavioral addiction correctly refers compulsion engage in natural reward – behavior inherently rewarding (i.e., desirable or appealing) – despite adverse consequences. preclinical evidence has demonstrated marked increases in expression of Δfosb through repetitive , excessive exposure natural reward induces same behavioral effects , neuroplasticity occurs in drug addiction.
reviews of both clinical research in humans , preclinical studies involving Δfosb have identified compulsive sexual activity – specifically, form of sexual intercourse – addiction (i.e., sexual addiction). moreover, reward cross-sensitization between amphetamine , sexual activity, property in exposure 1 increases in desire both, has been shown occur preclinically , clinically dopamine dysregulation syndrome; Δfosb expression required cross-sensitization effect, intensifies level of Δfosb expression.
reviews of preclinical studies indicate long-term frequent , excessive consumption of high fat or sugar foods can produce addiction (food addiction).
gambling natural reward associated compulsive behavior , clinical diagnostic manuals, namely dsm-5, have identified diagnostic criteria addiction . there evidence functional neuroimaging gambling activates reward system , mesolimbic pathway in particular. similarly, shopping , playing videogames associated compulsive behaviors in humans , have been shown activate mesolimbic pathway , other parts of reward system. based upon evidence, gambling addiction, video game addiction , shopping addiction classified accordingly.
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