Other individual animals Middle-earth animals

1 other individual animals

1.1 queen berúthiel s cats
1.2 boar of everholt
1.3 shelob
1.4 tevildo
1.5 ungoliant
1.6 watcher in water

other individual animals
queen berúthiel s cats

the cats used spies black númenórean queen berúthiel.

boar of everholt

the great boar roamed everholt, section of firien wood on eastern border of rohan. in t.a. 2864 king folca of rohan hunted beast down , slew it, died of tusk-wounds gave him.


an evil thing in spider form dwelt beneath pass of cirith ungol on borders of mordor. during events of lord of rings, attacked ring-bearer frodo baggins, passed through lair, repelled sam gamgee. called last child of ungoliant trouble unhappy world .


a monstrous cat in book of lost tales. tolkien developed character sauron.


described evil spirit in form of spider. mentioned briefly in lord of rings, , plays supporting role in silmarillion. said have given birth shelob. origins unclear, tolkien s writings don t explicitly reveal nature, other before world .

watcher in water

a mysterious creature tentacles appearing in lord of rings. @ end of third age, lived in lake before west-door of moria, , attacked company of ring during events of book. in peter jackson s film adaptation watcher resembles cephalopod eversible, many-toothed mouth.


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