Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine George Habash

yasser arafat, mahmoud darwish & george habash in syria

the 1969 congress saw ultra-leftist faction under nayef hawatmeh , yasser abd rabbo split off popular democratic front liberation of palestine (pdflp), later become democratic front liberation of palestine (dflp). during habash s time secretary-general, pflp became known 1 of radical , militant palestinian factions, , gained world notoriety after string of aircraft hijackings , attacks against israel affiliated companies israeli ambassadors in europe planned haddad. pflp s pioneering of modern international terror operations brought group, , palestinian issue, onto newspaper front pages worldwide, provoked intense criticism other parts of palestine liberation organization. in 1970, habash evicted jordan due key role of popular front in black september clashes. in 1974, palestinian national council adopted resolution recognizing two-state solution israeli–palestinian conflict , habash, opposed this, formed rejectionist front several other opposition parties.

habash aligned pflp plo , lebanese national movement, stayed neutral during lebanese civil war in late 1970s. after stroke in 1980, when living in damascus, health declined , other pflp members rose top.

after oslo agreements, habash formed opposition alliance of rejectionists, including islamist organizations such hamas , islamic jihad movement in palestine, became prominent during first intifada. in 2000, resigned leadership post of pflp due poor health , succeeded abu ali mustafa. continued activist group until 2008, when died of heart attack in amman.


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